8 results found

Rhone Glacier covered with white blankets to prevent extreme melting due to climate change, Gletsch, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, Europe

A group of male frigate birds with red throat pouches oversees females with chicks to prevent attack by predators, Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda, Leeward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Landscape of Pampas de Lequezana, where trees have been planted to prevent soil erosion, near Potosi, Bolivia, South America

A Medieval granary of oak frame and brick infill, set on toadstools to prevent access by rats, Cowdray Castle, Midhurst, West Sussex, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Minaret supported by steel cables to prevent it from collapse, a project undertaken by UNESCO and local experts in 2003, The Mousallah Complex, Herat, Herat Province, Afghanistan, Asia

Minaret supported by steel cables to prevent it from collapse, a project undertaken by UNESCO and local experts in 2003, The Mousallah Complex, Herat, Herat Province, Afghanistan, Asia

A fire danger sign next to forest that has been burnt by a fire in the Tule river area of the Sequoia National Forest, east of Porterville, California, USA. California is in the grip of a four year long exceptional drought, that has made wild fires much more frequent, as well as wiping $2.2 Billion annually off the agricultural sector.

Anti-terrorist road barriers to prevent a vehicle attack, Sellafield nuclear power station near Seascale in West Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Cambodia woman taking rice from a community rice bank which was established to prevent food shortages during the dry season. Kampong thom

Ratcliffe on Soar coal fired power station surrounded by razor wire to prevent attack from climate activists, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Large rocks placed on the shore of the west coast of Walney Island, to prevent coastal erosion, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Shark cartilage pills on display, once believed to prevent cancer, this product has no demonstraed health benefit, Busan aquarium, Busan, South Korea, Asia

Sand dunes have been planted to try and stabilise them and prevent their spread, Inner Mongolia, Northern China, Asia

Sand dunes have been planted to try and stabilise them and prevent their spread, Inner Mongolia, Northern China, Asia

Shanghai, China, 23rd Jan 2020, People wearing masks and burning joss sticks to prevent catching the coronavirus

Shanghai, China, 27th Jan 2020, People wearing masks while shopping at Nanjing Road to prevent catching the Coronavirus

Shanghai, China, 28th Jan 2020, A woman wearing a mask in a market to prevent catching the Coronavirus

This is Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) over Deadhorse Lake near Hussar in southern Alberta, taken just after midnight on July 10-11, 2020 during its evening appearance. The comet shines just above low noctilucent clouds. The slight wind ruffled the waters enough to prevent the clean reflection I was after.

"Stopp dem Diebstahl, Geld und Wertsachen stets verschlossen tragen", German for "stop theft, always cover up your money and valuables", sign in a shop window, prevention, Weisser Ring, association to stop and prevent crime, police, Borken, Muensterland,

Ceiling of the church of Sant Anastasia, Verona, Veneto, Italy, reinforced with iron girders to prevent earthquakes, Europe

Agriculture - Fresh burn scars in wheat stubble. Wheat stubble is burned after harvest to eliminate fungus growth on the stubble which causes damage to the following years crop / near Casselton, North Dakota, USA.

Double yellow line on a street with traffic barriers and 'Road Closed' sign, Connecticut, United States of America

Titus' Tunnel Cuts Through The Solid Rock Of The Mountain In Two Places To Provide A Water Channel To Prevent Flooding, Cevlik, Turkey

Titus' Tunnel Cuts Through The Solid Rock Of The Mountain In Two Places To Provide A Water Channel To Prevent Flooding, Cevlik, Turkey

BURKINA FASO Environment Flooding Bund low rock walls built to prevent soil erosion by flash floods. Stones are placed along the contours on gentle slopes. Sometimes the bunds are reinforced by planting tough grasses along the lines. The stones and grass encourage rain water to infiltrate the soil and reduce the amount of rain water that is lost by run-off. Any soil that has been eroded by run-off is trapped by the bund. Topsoil and organic matter e.g. leaf litter is deposited here.Bunds are placed 10 to 25 metres apart African Western Africa Ecology Entorno Environmental Environnement Green Issues

Burkina Faso Environment Flooding Bund low rock walls built to prevent soil erosion by flash floods. Stones are placed along the contours on gentle slopes. Sometimes the bunds are reinforced by planting tough grasses along the lines. The stones and grass encourage rain water to infiltrate the soil and reduce the amount of rain water that is lost by run-off. Any soil that has been eroded by run-off is trapped by the bund. Topsoil and organic matter e.g. leaf litter is deposited here.Bunds are placed 10 to 25 metres apart African Western Africa Ecology Entorno Environmental Green Issues Environnement

Senior man in wheelchair wearing protective mask to prevent coronavirus transmission using laptop on porch

A technician goes into a raised square building on an orange metal structure. An Italian technician specialising in radio and telecommunications goes into the shelter that houses the VSAT antenna, the device that connects the station to the Internet by satellite. This is the station's only link with the outside world. Most of the buildings are elevated to prevent the formation of snowdrifts caused by wind-blown snow. Concordia Antarctic Research Station, Dome C plateau, East Antarctica.

Snowdrift in front of a tent. A dormitory tent dating from the 1990s and still in use. It is heated by a small oil-fired stove. Every obstacle in the wind creates snowdrifts, which have to be removed periodically to prevent burial. Concordia Antarctic Research Station, Dome C plateau, East Antarctica.

The two towers of the Concordia station, with the French, Italian and European flags flying in the wind, under a blue sky veiled with cirrus clouds aligned in the direction of the wind. The two towers are linked by a tunnel. They are permanently heated to 20°C by the diesel engine that generates the station's electricity. The left tower is the "quiet tower", housing the hospital, bedrooms;34 beds) and offices. The right tower is the "noisy tower": it houses a small workshop, the emergency generator, the waste room, the technical office, the video room, the living room, the kitchens and the refectory. The two towers are about ten meters apart to prevent the risk of fire spreading. Fire is an Antarctic expeditionary's worst nightmare; the French have a very bad experience of it. Concordia Antarctic Research Station, Dome C plateau, East Antarctica.

Black water and Jellyfish (Mastigias papua) of Lenmakana lake. This lake is isolated from the rest of the ocean by ramparts several tens of meters high. It is connected to the ocean by terrestrial channels but it prevents the entry and exit of living organisms. These jellyfish have therefore found refuge in what is for them a haven of peace. They have proliferated to reach millions of people. Misool, Rajat Ampat, Indonesia

Jellyfish (Mastigias papua) of Lenmakana lake. This lake is isolated from the rest of the ocean by ramparts several tens of meters high. It is connected to the ocean by terrestrial channels but it prevents the entry and exit of living organisms. These jellyfish have therefore found refuge in what is for them a haven of peace. They have proliferated to reach millions of people. Misool, Rajat Ampat, Indonesia

Flying Jellyfish (Mastigias papua) of Lenmakana lake. This lake is isolated from the rest of the ocean by ramparts several tens of meters high. It is connected to the ocean by terrestrial channels but it prevents the entry and exit of living organisms. These jellyfish have therefore found refuge in what is for them a haven of peace. They have proliferated to reach millions of people. Misool, Rajat Ampat, Indonesia