11 results found
The Very Large Array (The National Radio Astronomy Observatory), multiple antennas, New Mexico, United States of America, North America
The Very Large Array (The National Radio Astronomy Observatory), a single antenna, New Mexico, United States of America, North America
VLA (Very Large Array) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, New Mexico, United States of America, North America
The Very Large Array (The National Radio Astronomy Observatory), multiple antennas, New Mexico, United States of America, North America
The Very Large Array (The National Radio Astronomy Observatory), multiple antennas, New Mexico, United States of America, North America
VLA (Very Large Array) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, New Mexico, United States of America, North America
The Mark II Telescope and Lovell Mark I Giant Radio Telescope at sunset, Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
The Lovell Mark I Giant Radio Telescope and rainbow, Jodrell Bank, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
The Lovell Mark I Giant Radio Telescope with rainbow, Jodrell Bank, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
The Mark II Telescope and Lovell Mark I Giant Radio Telescope with amazing sunset, Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe
One of the 27 antennas of the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope complex in New Mexico (with others in the distance at lower right) illuminated by moonlight, on December 13, 2013, peak night for the Geminid meteor shower. A single exposure of 30 seconds with the Rokinon 14mm lens at f/2.8 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. Orion is rising a lower centre. The Moon is the bright object at upper right. The Pleiades and Hyades are above centre.
Radio telescope at sunset, satellite dish part of the radio astronomy observatory, Very Large Array, Plains of San Agustin, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
Radio telescope at sunset, satellite dish part of the radio astronomy observatory, Very Large Array, Plains of San Agustin, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
Radio telescope at sunset, satellite dish part of the radio astronomy observatory, Very Large Array, Plains of San Agustin, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
Radio telescope, satellite dish part of the radio astronomy observatory, Very Large Array, Plains of San Agustin, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
The Robert C Byrd Green Bank Telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, USA
Submillimeter Array, SMA, consisting of eight radio telescopes at a height of 4080m near the summit of the extinct volcano Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
Submillimeter Array, SMA, consisting of eight radio telescopes at a height of 4080m near the summit of the extinct volcano Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the tracks enable astronomers to move the antennas to different locations, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, we
Recorder of a measuring instrument, red and blue lines on milimeter paper, system work-shop in the Max-Planck-Institute for radio astronomy, Bad Muenstereifel-Effelsberg, Eifel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
Radio telescope, Max-Planck-Institute for radio astronomy, Bad Muenstereifel-Effelsberg, Eifel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
The Very Large Array radio telescope consists of 27 large dish antennas, the facility is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, on the Plains of San Agustin in Datil, western New Mexico, USA
Radio telescope, Max-Planck-Institute for radio astronomy, Bad Muenstereifel-Effelsberg, Eifel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) satellite under the desert night sky. Photo by Thomas Kranzle, United States of America
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory operates the Very Large Array (VLA) Radio Telescope at the San Agustin Planes, New Mexico.