3 results found
Milk cans lined up on a wooden bench, window and shrine with Jesus on the cross, facade made of rough stones from an alpine pasture, Gramaialm, Alpenpark Karwendel, Tyrol, Austria, Europe
Republic of Colombia, Landscape in the Department of Huila near the Tatacoa Desert, Desierto de la Tatacoa, Mule and wayside shrine, Colombia, South America
Wayside shrine, wayside shrine near Bad Leonfelden, Muehlviertel region, Upper Austria, Austria, Europe
Flags and statuary decorate a colorful roadside altar in a desolate region of northern Chile. Shrines or animitas are a common tradition of memorials that mark the site where someone died. People who are not related to the person who was killed can offer a prayer at the animita, in this way, animitas can take the roles of popular saints in the Catholic religion, Pan American Highway, Chile