39 results found

Portrait of a local woman, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Portrait of a local woman, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St George), Lalibela, Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopia, AfricaThe most famous of Lalibela's Rock Hewn churches, The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis, 'St. George', dating from the 12th Century, Lalibela's Rock Hewn Churches rank amoung the greatest religio-historical sites, not only in the African continent but in the Christian World

The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St George), Lalibela, Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopia, AfricaThe most famous of Lalibela's Rock Hewn churches, The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis, 'St. George', dating from the 12th Century, Lalibela's Rock Hewn Churches rank amoung the greatest religio-historical sites, not only in the African continent but in the Christian World

Sunday Mass is celebrated at the rock-hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St. George), in Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ethiopia, Africa

View over bay and pool area of Corinthia San Gorg Hotel, St. George`s Bay, Malta, Mediterranean, Europe

Sunday Mass is celebrated at the rock-hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St. George), in Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ethiopia, Africa

Carenage Harbour, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Beautiful beach, turquoise sea, South Friars Bay, Saint George Basseterre Parish, St. Kitts, St. Kitts and Nevis, Leeward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Fort St. George, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies, Caribbean, Centrla America

Rainbow over the Esplanade area, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Rainbow over the Esplanade area, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

City of St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, Lesser Antilles, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St George), Lalibela, Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Africa *** Local Caption *** The most famous of Lalibela's Rock Hewn churches, The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis, 'St. George', dating from the 12th Century, Lalibela's Rock Hewn Churches rank amoung the greatest religio-historical sites, not only in the African continent but in the Christian World

The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St George), Lalibela, Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Africa *** Local Caption *** The most famous of Lalibela's Rock Hewn churches, The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis, 'St. George', dating from the 12th Century, Lalibela's Rock Hewn Churches rank amoung the greatest religio-historical sites, not only in the African continent but in the Christian World

The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis (St George), Lalibela, Northern Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Africa *** Local Caption *** The most famous of Lalibela's Rock Hewn churches, The Sunken Rock Hewn church of Bet Giyorgis, 'St. George', dating from the 12th Century, Lalibela's Rock Hewn Churches rank amoung the greatest religio-historical sites, not only in the African continent but in the Christian World

Red telephone boxes, St. George's, Grenada, Windward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

St. George's Anglican Church, Basseterre, St. Kitts, Leeward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

View of Saint George with Saint Barnabas Anglican Church, Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

View of Saint George with Saint Barnabas Anglican Church, Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

View of Saint George with Saint Barnabas Anglican Church, Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

A peaceful lake with a log in the foreground with picturesque St George's Church on the lakeshore in front of snow-covered Pfänder on a clear winter's day, moated castle, Lake Constance, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Picturesque church of St. George on the lakeshore in front of snow-covered Pfänder on a clear winter day, moated castle, Lake Constance, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

St George's Church with green tower in front of snow-covered Pfänder, surrounded by village houses, moated castle, Lake Constance, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Brazilian religious altar mixing elements of umbanda, candomble and catholicism in the syncretism present in the local culture and religion, Comunidade dos Anturos, Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Wall frescoes, monastery church Saint George, 1547, Unesco World Heritage Site, Voronet, Romania, Europe

Crucifix in the cemetery of the Catholic parish church of St. George, Reichenau Island, Lake Constance, Constance County, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Aerial view of the moated castle peninsula on Lake Constance with the baroque church of St. George, jetty, Lindau district, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Wall frescoes, monastery church Saint George, 1547, Unesco World Heritage Site, Voronet, Romania, Europe

Aerial view of the moated castle peninsula on Lake Constance with the baroque church of St. George, jetty and marina, with the village of Nonnenhorn in the background Lindau district, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Monastery Church of St. George with wall frescoes, 1547, Unesco World Heritage Site, Voronet, Romania, Europe

Church of Saint George in Sommerholz, Irrsberg, Oberhofen, in spring, Salzkammergut, Upper Austria, Austria, Europe

Sculpture of Saint George with the dragons in front of the Reformed Church in Wolfsgasse, Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania, Europe