26 results found

Flying fish from the family Exocoetidae take flight as the ship flushes them just off Ascension Island in the southern tropical Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean

A long-beaked common dolphin pod (Delphinus capensis), traveling off Gorda Banks, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America

A dried up creek that when it contains water, supports Pup fish, a highly adapted fish that can tolerate high levels of salt. Death Valley is the lowest, hottest, driest place in the USA, with an average annual rainfall of around 2 inches, some years it does not receive any rain at all.

Pair of mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) mating, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Peacock grouper (Cephalopholis argus), Chapel, Apo island Marine Reserve, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Orange anemonefish (Amphiprion sandaracinos), Similan Islands, Thailand, Andaman Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Pair of mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) mating, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Pink Anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion).
Angaga House Reef, Maldives, Indian Ocean
Restricted resolution (Please contact us). (RR)

Bluelined Snapper (Lutjanus kasmira).
Angaga House Reef, Maldives, Indian Ocean
Restricted resolution (Please contact us) (RR)

Bumphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) Shoal.
Sipadan Island, Borneo, Malaysia
Restricted resolution (Please contact us) (RR)

Diver & Shoal of Fish (Species unknown).
Sipadan Island, Borneo, Malaysia
Restricted resolution (Please contact us). (RR)

Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus bimaculatus or L.mixtus) Male.
Cornwall, UK
Restricted resolution (Please contact us) (RR)

Batfish (Species unknown) with fish louse.
Wakatobi, Onemobaa Island, Indonesia
Restricted resolution (Please contact us). (RR)

Harlequin Ghost Pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus).
Mabul Island, Borneo, Malaysia
Restricted Resolution (please contact us) (RR)

Tompot blenny (Blennius gattorugine) close up.
Babbacombe, Torquay, South Devon, UK
Restricted Resolution (please contact us) (RR)

Warty frogfish (Antennarius maculatus), head detail, Gato Island, Northern Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Flounder (Pleuronectus flesus or Platichthys flesus) close up.
St Abbs Marine Reserve, Berwickshire, Scotland
Restricted resolution (Please contact us). (RR)

Thornback cowfish (Lactoria fornasini), Sabang wreck, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Juvenile scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis sp.), Sahara, Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Circular Spadefish/Batfish (Platax orbicularis) Shoal. Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island, Borneo, Malaysia

A multitude of sponges, tunicates, feather stars, sea stars, soft and hard corals as well as fish co-exist harmoniously in the reefs at Cogon, Apo Island marine reserve, Philippines, Visayan sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Common Brittlestar (Ophiothrix fragilis) and Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius).
St Abbs Marine Reserve, Berwickshire, Scotland

Thornback cowfish (Lactoria fornasini), Sabang wreck, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Arc-eye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus) perched on algae (Microdyction sp.), Ailuk atoll, Marshall Islands, Pacific

Juvenile fish hover over coral reef, Rocky Point, Apo island Marine Reserve, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Black-blotched porcupinefish (Diodon liturosus), Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) male, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Black-blotched porcupinefish inflated at night, Diodon liturosus, Similan Islands, Thailand, Andaman Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Shoal of Lunar Fusiliers & Scissor-tailed Fusiliers (Caesio cuning & Caesio caerulaurea) Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island, Borneo, Malaysia

Pair of mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) displaying spawning behaviour, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Thousands of scalefin anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis), hovering over corals and barrel sponge, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Red-breasted wrasse (Cheilinus fasciatus), Palau, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Pink anemone fish (Amphiprion perideraion) and magnificent sea anemone (Heteractis magnifica), Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Striped triplefin (Helcogramma striatum) on the surface of faviid coral (Diploastrea sp.), Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) male, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Great White Shark (Carcharodon Carcharias) swimming with shoal of fish.
Isla Guadalupe, Mexico.

Highly diverse coral head, including hard and soft corals, feather stars, and anthias, Kilima steps, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Orange-lined triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus), Sahara, Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia

Diver amongst shoal of Blackfin Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island, Borneo, Malaysia

Pair of mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) displaying spawning behaviour, Malapascua, Cebu, Philippines, Visayan Sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Great White Shark (Carcharodon Carcharias) swimming with shoal of fish. Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. (A4 only).

Thread-sail filefish (Stephanolepis cirrhifer), Seopsom island, Jeju-Do, South Korea, East Sea, Asia

Clearfin lizardfish (Synodus dermatogenys), Dumaguete, Negros Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia, Asia