26 results found

First year sea ice and brash ice near Petermann Island, western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

First year sea ice and brash ice near Petermann Island, western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Sea ice mixed with brash ice near Pleneau Island, western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Sea ice mixed with brash ice near Pleneau Island, western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Sea ice mixed with brash ice near Pleneau Island, western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Sea ice mixed with brash ice near Pleneau Island, western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Brash ice and grease ice, Torgersen Island and glaciers of Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Brash ice and grease ice, strip of blue sky, Torgersen Island, glaciers of Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Sea ice, tabular icebergs, and brash ice in Erebus and Terror Gulf, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Polar Regions

An adult Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis), surfacing amongst brash ice in Cierva Cove, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Blue glacier overlook, with crevasses and brash ice filled bay, early morning, Neko Harbour, Antarctic Continent, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Brash ice, off Anvers Island, misty Mount William, glaciers and icebergs, blue sky, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Sea ice, tabular icebergs, and brash ice in Erebus and Terror Gulf, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Sea ice, tabular icebergs, and brash ice in Erebus and Terror Gulf, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Snow-covered mountains, glaciers, and brash ice in Cierva Cove, Hughes Bay, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Sea ice, tabular icebergs, and brash ice in Erebus and Terror Gulf, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Members of an expedition cruise to Antarctica in a Zodiak in Fournier Bay in the Gerlache Strait on the Antarctic Peninsular. The Antarctic Peninsular is one of the most rapidly warming areas on the planet.

Members of an expedition cruise to Antarctica in a Zodiak in Fournier Bay in the Gerlache Strait on the Antarctic Peninsular. The Antarctic Peninsular is one of the most rapidly warming areas on the planet.

Female Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) jumping over ice floe, Svalbard Archipelago, Barents Sea, Norway

Helicopter landing on the Capt. Khlebnikov icebreaker after a flight over the icebergs off the coast of Franklin Island, Antarctica