49 results found
Gale-force winds near Mealista, west coast, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe
Slieve League Cliffs, sea cliffs 300m high, County Donegal, Ulster, Republic of Ireland (Eire), Europe
Adult Peale's Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus australis), bow-riding near New Island in the Falkland Islands, South America
Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) adult female flukes-up to catch the wind in Puerto Pyramides, Argentina, South America
A pod of killer whales (Orcinus orca) surfacing in Chatham Strait, Southeast Alaska, United States of America, Pacific Ocean, North America
Galapagos brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) feeding in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Surf class on Zurriola beach, district of Gros, San Sebastian, Bay of Biscay, province of Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain, Europe
Adult Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) surfacing with characteristic rooster tail splash in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada, North America
Adult Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) surfacing with characteristic rooster tail splash in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada, North America
Adult Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii), surfacing in Stanley Harbor in the Falkland Islands, South America
Adult Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) surfacing, Carcass Island in the Falkland Islands, South America
Adult Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) surfacing, Carcass Island in the Falkland Islands, South America
Adult macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) porpoising for speed while traveling to breeding colony, South Georgia, Polar Regions
Juvenile humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breaching near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions
An adult bull killer whale (Orcinus orca) surfacing in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Ocean, North America
O'Brian's Tower and Breanan Mor seastack looking from Hag's Head, the Cliffs of Moher (230m cliffs), County Clare, Munster, Republic of Ireland (Eire), Europe
Adult brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis), plunge diving for fish, Isla Carmen, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
Adult Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii), surfacing in Stanley Harbor in the Falkland Islands, South America
Adult Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii), surfacing in Stanley Harbor in the Falkland Islands, South America
Adult Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii), surfacing in Stanley Harbor in the Falkland Islands, South America
Double-crested cormorant (Nannopterum auritum), taking flight, Concepcion Bay, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
A long-beaked common dolphin pod (Delphinus capensis), traveling off Gorda Banks, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
A long-beaked common dolphin pod (Delphinus capensis), traveling off Gorda Banks, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
A long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis), surfacing off Gorda Banks, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
Blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii), in flight near Isla Salsipuedes, Baja California, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
Killer whale pod (Orcinus orca), off Punta Colorada, Isla San Jose, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
Long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis), leaping with remora in Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
A long-beaked common dolphin pod (Delphinus capensis), traveling off Gorda Banks, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
Adult brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis), plunge diving for fish, Isla Carmen, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
California gray whale calf (Eschrictius robustus), with excited tourists in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California, Mexico, North America
Guadalupe fur seals (Arctocephalus townsendi), at new haul out on Las Animas Island, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
A pair of long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus capensis), surfacing off Gorda Banks, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America
Killer whale female calf (Orcinus orca), breaching at sunset off Isla San Jose, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
Guadalupe fur seals (Arctocephalus townsendi), at new haul out on Las Animas Island, Baja California Sur, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
California gray whale calf (Eschrictius robustus), surfacing in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California, Mexico, North America
California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), stampeding on the beach in Puerto Refugio, Baja California, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), porpoising in the water in Puerto Refugio, Baja California, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), porpoising in the water in Puerto Refugio, Baja California, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North America
Adult Brunnich's guillemots (Uria lomvia) taking flight at Alkefjelet, Cape Fanshawe, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe
Calving glacier, chunks of ice fall from glacier into Skjoldungen Fjord, creating huge splash, remote South East Greenland, Denmark, Polar Regions
Abstract paint colour splashes where boats painted by sea wall in harbour of Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, Spain
School children paddle in the sea on small sandy beach at Galle Face Green, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Asia
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking, then killing and eating an adult gentoo penguin in Paradise Bay, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Lindblad Expeditions guests doing the "polar Plunge" in Port Foster near Whalers Bay inside the caldera on Deception Island, South Shetland Island Group, Antarctica. NO MODEL RELEASES FOR THIS IMAGE.
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) tail throw in the lower Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Lindblad Expeditions guests doing the "polar Plunge" in Port Foster near Whalers Bay inside the caldera on Deception Island, South Shetland Island Group, Antarctica. NO MODEL RELEASES FOR THIS IMAGE.
Adult Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) power lunging in the Drake Passage between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking, then killing and eating an adult gentoo penguin in Paradise Bay, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Lindblad Expeditions guests doing the "polar Plunge" in Port Foster near Whalers Bay inside the caldera on Deception Island, South Shetland Island Group, Antarctica. NO MODEL RELEASES FOR THIS IMAGE.
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking, then killing and eating an adult gentoo penguin in Paradise Bay, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Adult Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) surfacing with characteristic "rooster tail" splash in Icy Strait, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.
(Restricted Resolution - pls contact us)
Adult Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) power lunging in the Drake Passage between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking, then killing and eating an adult gentoo penguin in Paradise Bay, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) landing on water with splash either side of animal. Oban Bay, Argyll, Scotland, UK
Needle Fish Species (scientific name unknown) unusual, leaping to avoid a predator, note the trail on the surface of the water made by its tail. Maldives, Indian Ocean.
Mel, the Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca) narrowly misses out on a South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) that it was hunting, in Patagonia. Of the 18 only 7 have mastered the stranding behaviour whereby the Orca enters the shallow surf to feed on Sea Lion pups. Distinctive by his 2 metre dorsal fin, Mel is an expert hunter who feeds on Sea Lion pups before taking them back to his pod. This lucky Sea Lion however managed to escape the hunter's attentions.
Mel, the Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca) narrowly misses out on a South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) that it was hunting, in Patagonia. Of the 18 only 7 have mastered the stranding behaviour whereby the Orca enters the shallow surf to feed on Sea Lion pups. Distinctive by his 2 metre dorsal fin, Mel is an expert hunter who feeds on Sea Lion pups before taking them back to his pod. This lucky Sea Lion however managed to escape the hunter's attentions.
Mel, the Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca) narrowly misses out on a South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) that it was hunting, in Patagonia. Of the 18 only 7 have mastered the stranding behaviour whereby the Orca enters the shallow surf to feed on Sea Lion pups. Distinctive by his 2 metre dorsal fin, Mel is an expert hunter who feeds on Sea Lion pups before taking them back to his pod. This lucky Sea Lion however managed to escape the hunter's attentions.
Mel, the Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca) narrowly misses out on a South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) that it was hunting, in Patagonia. Of the 18 only 7 have mastered the stranding behaviour whereby the Orca enters the shallow surf to feed on Sea Lion pups. Distinctive by his 2 metre dorsal fin, Mel is an expert hunter who feeds on Sea Lion pups before taking them back to his pod. This lucky Sea Lion however managed to escape the hunter's attentions.
Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) landing on water with splash either side of animal. Oban Bay, Argyll, Scotland, UK
Young Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) catching and eventually eating a Sally Lightfoot crab (Grapsus grapsus) in the Galapagos Island Group, Ecuador. Pacific Ocean.
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking, then killing and eating an adult gentoo penguin in Paradise Bay, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Adult black guillemot (Cepphus grylle) taking flight in the Svalbard Archipelago in the Barents Sea, Norway
Wild Males Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), Endangered, Haul out, colony, Bogoslov Island (Bering Sea) Russia, Asia
Guests from the Lindblad Expedition ship National Geographic Explorer take the Polar Plunge off ice floe in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Southern Ocean
Adult Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) surfacing with characteristic "rooster tail" splash in Icy Strait, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.
(Restricted Resolution - pls contact us)
Adult Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) returning from the sea to feed its chick on Paulet Island on the Northeast side of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) tail throw in the lower Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Wild Large Male Northern fur seals ( Callorhinus ursinus ), Colony, Endangered, part of massive colony, being territorial, Tyuleniy Islands (Bering Sea), Russia, Asia.
Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) with vapour from recent blow. Large splash guard visible around open blow holes Monterey, USA
Hawaiian/Grays Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris) adult animals porpoising. Maldives, Indian Ocean.
Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) showing typical percussive behaviour: repeatedly leaping out of the water to land with a loud splash. Hebrides, Scotland.
Offshore type bottlenose dolphin pod (Tursiops truncatus) surfacing in the midriff region of the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Norte, Mexico.
Adult pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba) in breeding plumage with a capelin in its beak in Chatham Strait, Southeast Alaska, USA, Pacific Ocean.
Huge waves pounding Los Islotes (The Islets) in the southern Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur, Mexico
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breaching in the lower Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Hawaiian/Grays Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris) adult animal porpoising. Maldives, Indian Ocean.
Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) - close up dolphin surfing at speed, with eye visible through a film of water. Hebrides, Scotland. (RR)
Adult Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) tail-throw in Chatham Strait, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.