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Khaled 13 years old, picking tomatoes harvest, day laborer, child labour, syrian refugee, Arsal, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Sahar at right and Houriye at left, both 15 years old, Girls picking chards harvest, day laborers, child labour, syrian refugees, in Bar Elias, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Iftikar, 12 years old, and his companions picking the potato harvest, day laborers, child labour, syrian refugees, in Bar Elias, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Minors picking the potato harvest, day laborers, child labour, syrian refugees, in Bar Elias, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Khaled 13 years old, picking tomatoes harvest, day laborer, child labour, syrian refugee, Arsal, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

At right Khaled 13 years old. At left his brother Ibrahim 15 years old, picking cucumbers harvest, day laborers, child labour, syrian refugees, Arsal, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Sahar at left and Houriye at right, both 15 years old, Girls picking chards harvest, day laborers, child labour, syrian refugees, in Bar Elias, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Ahmad, 16 years old, works with metals and dangerous machinery, child labour, syrian refugee, in Arsal, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Children picking the potato harvest, day laborers, child labour, syrian refugees, in Bar Elias, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Women working, picking chards harvest, day laborers, syrian refugees, in Bar Elias, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

Orion and Sirius rising over the Peloncillo Mountains of southwest New Mexico, on a clear night in December in the early evening. The Belt stars of Orion point down to Sirius, the Dog Star.

A horizon-to-zenith panorama of the winter consellations on a March evening as they set into the southwest. Orion is at bottom centre, with his Belt pointing down to Canis Major and up to Taurus. Gemini and Auriga are at top, in this case near the zenith overhead. The bright star clusters, M44, the Beehive, (at left) and M45, the Pleiades, (at right) flank the Milky Way. M45 is embedded in the Zodiacal Light. The star clusters M35 in Gemini and M41 in Canis Major are also visible as diffuse spots, as are several other star clusters. A couple of satellite trails are visible.

Orion and the winter stars and constellations rising in the light of a first quarter Moon on December 3, 2019. The vertical format sweeps up the Milky Way.

The region of the Milky Way in Puppis and Vela encompassing the vast Gum Nebula, a photographic object only. Sirius and Canis Major are at right; Canopus in Carina is at bottom. The False Cross and the open cluster NGC 2516 are at left.