50 results found

Hard and soft coral landscape scenic at Thetford Reef on the Great Barrier Reef, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Pacific

Colourful reef fish (Orange and purple anthias sp.) plus with hard and soft corals on reef wall, Queensland, Australia, Pacific

Longnose butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus), adapted to feed in crevices in the reef and snips off soft pieces of corals, Queensland, Australia, Pacific

Colourful reef fish (Orange and purple anthias sp.) plus Leopard Coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) with hard and soft corals on reef, Queensland, Australia, Pacific

Colorful soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.) adorn the stunning reefs of southern Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Colourful healthy hard and soft coral reef with long nosed butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus), Matangi Island, Vanua Levu, Fiji, Pacific

Soft leather corals grow in the shallow waters in the Solomon Islands, Melanesia. This region, in the eastern part of the Coral Triangle, harbors spectacular marine biodiversity and is known for its beautiful reefs.

Beautiful soft coral colonies grow on a healthy coral reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This tropical region in Indonesia is known for its spectacular coral reefs and high marine biodiversity.

Soft corals, sponges, and other invertebrates compete for space on a beautiful reef in Indonesia. This tropical region, within the Coral Triangle, is home to an incredible variety of marine life.

Colorful tunicates and soft corals grow on a reef in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia. This remote region is known for its incredible marine biodiversity and gorgeous reefs.

Soft corals grow on the edge of a beautiful reef in the historic Banda Islands of eastern Indonesia.

Soft coral colonies, Sinularia sp., thrive on a reef found among the remote, tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

A colorful soft coral adorns a giant clam, Tridacna sp., growing on a healthy reef in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

Reef scene including soft pink, red, and purple corals with brighlty colored anthias (Anthiinae) hovering on top of the reef in Puerto Galera, Philippines.

A myriad of hard and soft corals, as well as tropical reef fish at Vatu-I-Ra Conservation Park on Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific, Pacific

A myriad of hard and soft corals, as well as tropical reef fish at Vatu-I-Ra Conservation Park on Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific, Pacific

A myriad of hard and soft corals at Vatu-I-Ra Conservation Park on Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific, Pacific

A myriad of hard and soft corals compete for space on the substrate of the snorkel site known as the Milky Way, Palau, Micronesia, Pacific

A myriad of hard and soft corals compete for space on the substrate of Darwin's Wall, Palau, Micronesia, Pacific

A myriad of hard and soft corals compete for space on the substrate of the snorkel site known as the Milky Way, Palau, Micronesia, Pacific

Vibrant soft coral colonies grow on a reef dropoff in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. This area is known for its spectacular marine biodiversity.

Hard and soft corals and reef fish underwater on Sebayur Island, Komodo Island National Park, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Encrusting sponges, soft corals, and other invertabrates living on pilings on Arborek Reef, Raja Ampa, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Encrusting sponges, soft corals, and other invertabrates living on pilings on Arborek Reef, Raja Ampa, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Soft coral from the Genus Scleronephthya in the shallow reefs off Sauwaderek Village Reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Soft coral from the Genus Scleronephthya in the shallow waters off Arborek Reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Encrusting sponges, soft corals, and other invertabrates living on pilings on Arborek Reef, Raja Ampa, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Soft coral from the Genus Scleronephthya in the shallow waters off Arborek Reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Soft coral from the Genus Scleronephthya in the shallow reefs off Sauwaderek Village Reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Diver and hard and soft coral reef and lyre tail anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis), Marsa Alam, Egypt, Red Sea, North Africa, Africa

Diver and hard and soft coral reef and lyre tail anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis), Marsa Alam, Egypt, Red Sea, North Africa, Africa

Cup coral colony (Tubastrea micrantha) A diver looks down on a large cup coral colony. Komodo, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Soft coral colony (Sinularia sp.) Coral colony growing on a diverse and healthy tropical reef. Komodo, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Coral reef of soft leather corals (Sarcophyton sp.) and limestone islands. Misool, Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean. More info: This region has the highest marine biological diversity in the world.

Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.) growing on mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora sp.) Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Diver looks down on blue seastar (Linkia laevigata) on a barrel sponge (Xestospongia sp.) Komodo, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.) growing on shallow coral reef. Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

A multitude of sponges, tunicates, feather stars, sea stars, soft and hard corals as well as fish co-exist harmoniously in the reefs at Cogon, Apo Island marine reserve, Philippines, Visayan sea, Southeast Asia, Asia

Soft coral colony (Dendronephthya sp.) and Golden sweeper fish (Parapriacanthus ransonneti) Komodo, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Giant clam amongst the soft coral on the Great Barrier Reef, off Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Red soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.) and sponges encrusted on the Fujikawa Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Mast encrusted with soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.), Shinkoku Maru, Truk lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean, Pacific

Juvenile Longjaw Squirrelfish (Holocentrus marianus), underneath hanging soft corals, Cayman Islands, Caribbean

Olive ridley turtle hatchling, Lepidochelys olivacea, Costa do Sauipe, Bahia, Brazil (South Atlantic)

Olive ridley turtle hatchling, Lepidochelys olivacea, Costa do Sauipe, Bahia, Brazil (South Atlantic)