Peppercorns, fenugreek, mustard at Khari Baoli Spice and Dried Foods Market in Old Delhi, India
Peppercorns, fenugreek, mustard, coriander at Khari Baoli Spice and Dried Foods Market in Old Delhi, India
Orange chicken with tomatoes
Pumpkin, pumpkin seed oil and mushrooms, Still life
Cha-Cha'ac Ceremony. "Chac" is the Myan word for rain. This is a rain ceremony held in the middle of the growing season of corn to bring or to assure good rainfall for the crop. They decorate the bread with paste made up of ground squash seeds and wrap it in leaves to bake. The ceremony is held in a clearing near the village. An alter is built and a H'man (religious figure) is brought in to conduct the ceremony and say prayers. It is a combination of Catholic and Mayan gods and prayers.