19 results found

Interreligious symbols of the three monotheistic religions, Jewish Star, Cross and Crescent, for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia

Interreligious symbols of the three monotheistic religions, Jewish Star, Cross and Crescent, for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia

Religious symbols of interfaith dialogue concept, Jewish Star of David, Muslim Crescent, Christian Cross, Indonesia

Christianity, Islam and Judaism symbols, three monotheistic religions, Jewish Star of David, Christian Cross and Muslim Crescent, Indonesia

Christianity, Islam and Judaism symbols, three monotheistic religions, Jewish Star of David, Christian Cross and Muslim Crescent, Indonesia

Islam and Judaism concept of interfaith dialogue, Jewish Star of David and Muslim Crescent, Indonesia

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the three monotheistic religions in symbols of Jewish Star, Christian Cross and Islamic Crescent, France, Europe

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the three monotheistic religions with symbols of Jewish Star, Muslim Crescent and Christian Cross, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the three monotheistic religions in symbols of Jewish Star, Christian Cross and Islamic Crescent, France, Europe

Religious symbols of Jewish Star of David, Muslim Star and Crescent, Christian Cross, interreligious and interfaith dialogue, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia

Close-up of Quran, crescent, star and surats, Muslim symbols, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia

Star and crescent symbol of Islam, Jamek Mosque (Masjid Jamek Sultan Abdul Samad), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Nebulosity in the heart of Cygnus the Swan, including the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula at left (NGC 7000 and IC 5070) and Gamma Cygni complex at right (IC 1318). The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) is at lower right. This is a stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at f/2 with the 135mm lens and modified Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800, plus another three similar exposure images but taken thru the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows. Taken from home Sept 10, 2013.

This is the central area of Cygnus and its bright Milky Way starcloud surrounded by red nebulosity. At left is the star Sadr (gamma Cygni) with the complex of nebulosity catalogued as IC 1318. At centre is the distinct Crescent Nebula, NGC 6888, a expanding nebula created by winds from a hot Wolf-Rayet star. At bottom left is the star cluster Messier 29, though looking a little lost in the rich starfields here. At top is the cluster IC 1311, looking more obvious than M29 but not observed visually and included in the NGC catalog. Odd. At far right are the large and loose star clusters NGC 6883 and NGC 6871, the latter an obvious binocular sight. To the left of Sadr is the small cluster NGC 6910. The dark nebulas B145 and LDN 862 are at right. The small emission nebula at bottom is Sharpless 2-104.