97 results found

Large carved seated statues of the pharaoh, Temple of Rameses II (Ramasses II) (Ramses the Great), Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nubia, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gilt wood statuette of Tutankhamun on a boat with a harpoon, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gilt wood statuette of Tutankhamun on a boat with a harpoon, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gilt wood statuette of the king, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gilded and stuccoed wooden head of the sacred cow, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Dummy head of the young king, made from stuccoed and painted wood, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Inlaid alabaster unguent jar in the form of an ibex, with one natural horn, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Dummy head of the young king, made from stuccoed and painted wood, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Ushabti of Tutankhamun, showning king wearing the red crown of the North, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the goddess Serket protecting the canopic chest or shrine, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Life size statue of Tutankhamun made from black wood with applied gilded plaster, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gilded and stuccoed wooden head of the sacred cow, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Tiny solid gold statuette of Amenophis III found in a small mummiform coffin in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramesses II and Obelisk, Temple of Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Tourist studying a statue of the pharaoh Ramesses II, Temple of Luxor, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Colossi of Memnon, carved to represent the 18th dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep III, West Bank of the River Nile, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Colossi of Memnon, carved to represent the 18th dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep III, West Bank of the River Nile, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Pharaoh, Precinct of Amun-Re, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Temple of Re-Herakhte for Ramses II, was moved when Aswan High Dam was built, Abu Simbel, Egypt, North Africa

Obelisk and Pylon of Ramesses II (Ramses the Great), Luxor Temple, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Colossi of Memnon, carved to represent the 18th dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep III, West Bank of the River Nile, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Floodlit statues of Ramses II, Temple of Luxor, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Colossi of Ramses II, floodlit, Great Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Great Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nubia, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramesses II and Obelisk, Temple of Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramesses II and Obelisk, Temple of Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramses II at entrance to the Temple of Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramses II, Karnak Temple, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statues of pharaohs in the Temple of Amun (Amon), Temple of Karnak, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramses II, Luxor Temple, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Great Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nubia, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Giant statue of the great pharaoh Rameses II with the small statue of his daughter Bent'anta between his legs in the forecourt behind the first Pylon of the great Temple at Karnak near Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the great pharaoh Rameses II with small statue of his daughter Bent'anta between his legs in the forecourt behind the first Pylon of the great Temple at Karnak, near Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Temple of Amun, Temple complex of Karnak, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Overview, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statues of Babi, Baboon God, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Thutmose III on left and Amenhotep II, 8th Pylon, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gate to the Temple of Khonsu, Ram-Headed Sphinx in foreground, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Close up of the head of a giant statue of the great pharaoh Rameses II outside the relocated Temple Rameses II at Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Lower Section, Colossus of Ramesses II, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II,13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Osiride Portico, Second Court, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of God Anubis, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statues of Thutmose III, Pylon 7, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Ram-Headed Sphinxes, Great Court, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Ram-Headed Sphinxes, Great Court, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of God Amun, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Seated Pharaohs, Pylon 8, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Queen Nefetari, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Papyrus Columns in the Court, Temple of Khonsu, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Reliefs, Temple of Opet, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Seated Pharaohs, Pylon 8, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Bas Relief of Hieroglyphics with Statues, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statues in foreground, Obelisk of Thutmose I, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Great Sphinx of Giza, Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren) in the background, Giza Pyramid Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Giza, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Mastaba (Tomb) of Seshem Nefer Theti, Giza Pyramid Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Giza, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of the pharaoh Ramses II, Luxor Temple, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

The Colossi of Memnon, seated statues near the Valley of the Kings, where for a period of 500 years rock tombs were excavated for pharaohs, UNESCO World Hderitage Site, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Lower Section, Colossus of Ramesses II, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Granite Head of Ramesses II in front of Osiris Statues, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Papyrus Columns in the Court, Temple of Khonsu, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Pharaoh Tutankhamen and His Wife Ankhsenamunat, Luxor Temple, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Row of Ram-Headed Sphinxes, Corridor Entrance, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Gate to the Temple of Khonsu, Ram-Headed Sphinx in foreground, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Granite Head of Ramesses II in front of Osiris Statues, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Granite Head of Ramesses II in front of Osiris Statues, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Granite Head of Ramesses II in front of Osiris Statues, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Seated Pharaohs, Pylon 8, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Granite Head of Ramesses II in front of Osiris Statues, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Pharaoh Tutankhamen and His Wife Ankhsenamunat, Luxor Temple, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Two giant statues known as the Colossi of Memnon carved to represent the pharaoh Amenhotep III of the dynasty XVIII, West bank of the River Nile, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Lower Section, Colossus of Ramesses II, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Granite Head of Ramesses II in front of Osiris Statues, Ramesseum, Memorial Temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, 13th century BC, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Nefertari at Base of Statue of Rameses II, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Relief of Thutmose III, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statues of Rameses III as Osiris, Temple of Rameses III, Karnak Temple Complex, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Giant statues of the great pharaoh Rameses II outside the relocated Temple of Rameses II at Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Seated statue, one of the Colossi of Memnon, near the Valley of the Kings, where for a period of 500 years rock tombs were excavated for pharaohs, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Sphinx at the base of the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut in Deir al-Bahri, built during the reign of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Sphinx at the base of the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut in Deir al-Bahri, built during the reign of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Two giant statues known as the Colossi of Memnon carved to represent the pharaoh Amenhotep III of the dynasty XVIII, West bank of the River Nile,Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

The base of the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut in Deir al-Bahri, built during the reign of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Temple of Re-Herakhte for the pharaoh Ramses II, moved when the Aswan High dam was built, Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Statue of Pharaoh Ramesses II's Daughter Bintanath, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Restored Osirid statues of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut on the pillars of the portico entrance to the third terrace of theTemple of Hatshepsut, Deir el Bahari, West bank of the River Nile, Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Close-up of statues of Pharaoh Ramses II on temple at Abu Simbel, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nubia, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Temple of Re-Herakhte for the pharaoh Ramses II (The Great), moved when Aswan High Dam built, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Abu Simbel, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Temple of Re-Herakhte for the pharaoh Ramses II (The Great), moved when Aswan High Dam built, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Abu Simbel, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Temple of Re-Herakhte for the pharaoh Ramses II (The Great), moved when Aswan High Dam built, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Abu Simbel, Egypt, North Africa, Africa