10 results found

Swordfish ( Xiphias gladius), captured in longline, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Swordfish ( Xiphias gladius), captured in longline, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Swordfish ( Xiphias gladius), captured in longline, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America

Atlantic Sailfish hunting Sardines, Istiophorus albicans, Isla Mujeres, Yucatan Peninsula, Caribbean Sea, Mexico

Spiced grilled swordfish with preserved lemon, coriander and olive oil dressing, Restaurant BLT Steak at Hotel The Betsy, Ocean Drive, South Beach, Miami, Florida, USA

A swordfish (Xiphias gladius) caught by fishing line and bait by the underside of a boat; Islamorada, Florida, United States of America

A swordfish (Xiphias gladius) caught by fishing line by the underside of a boat; Islamorada, Florida, United States of America