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A young humpback whale calf testing out its leaping capabilities, Hawaii, United States of America, Pacific, North America

Indonesia laboratory testing drinking water. Photograph taken in meulaboh, aceh province -december 2006, 2 years after tsunami of december 26th 2004 devastated much of coastal region. Taken to illustrate reconstruction work projects of (catholic relief services) of sponsored photo tour. terchnician : every house well gets tested. Unicef originally helped up to support other ngos in area, helps staff salaries provides us with equipment. coordinates activities with local government. water in local wells is quite contaminated, especially with arsenic, as well as nitrates, nitrites, iron, manganese fluoride. water became salinated after tsunami. We test here both water from shallow deep wells

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people for malaria, many of whom proved positive for the disease, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

January 2015 saw a three day period of excessive rain which brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people, many of whom now have malaria, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.