10 results found

Country Side, Mountain Vilage, 03/04/2009. Landscape view from the road in the area of Praia on Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Native woman standing on hill side in mid day. . Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. The town of Picos on Sao Tiago Island of the Cape Verdes. Landscape view of volcanic formations and residential buildings with church. . Praia, Picos town, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Local Markets, fish bucket, Big Eye, Fish knife. Praia, Assomada Village, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Building and prison quarters of the Ex-Campo de Concentra‹o do Tarrafal. An ex political prison camp of Tarrafal. Praia, Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Landscape view from the road in the area of Praia on Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Native woman standing on hill side in mid day. . Praia, suburb of Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre and Botanic Gardens. Locals carrying hay bails along main road. Praia, São Jorge botanical gardens. , Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Tarrafal bay Town Beach. Children and teenagers enjoy their local beach in the mid day. The Cape Verde islands have a large population percentage of youths. . Praia, Tarrafal , Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Botanic Gardens, Bourganvilia, 03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre and Botanic Gardens, Botanic Gardens. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Botanic Gardens, strawberrys, arid soil, 03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Building and prison quarters of the Ex-Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal. An ex political prison camp of Tarrafal. Praia, Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Town Beach, 03/04/2009. Tarrafal bay Town Beach. Children and teenagers enjoy their local beach in the mid day. The Cape Verde islands have a large population percentage of youths. Praia, Tarrafal , Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Botanic Gardens, 03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre and Botanic Gardens, 4 x 4, strawberry fields. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Tarrafal bay Town Beach. Children and teenagers enjoy their local beach in the mid day. The Cape Verde islands have a large population percentage of youths. . Praia, Tarrafal , Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Botanic Gardens, Bourganvilia, 03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Antonio Peak, 03/04/2009. Views of the surrounding country side of Assomada, Praia on Sao Tiago Island of the Cape Verde. Volcanic landscape and road. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Country Side, Mountain Vilage, 03/04/2009. Landscape view from the road in the area of Praia on Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Building and prison quarters of the Ex-Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal. An ex political prison camp of Tarrafal. Praia, Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Botanic Gardens, 03/04/2009. São Jorge government sponsored research centre and Botanic Gardens, Women picking strawberries. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

Political Prison, 03/04/2009. Entrance of the Ex-Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal. An ex political prison camp of Tarrafal. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Tarrafal bay Town Beach. Children and teenagers enjoy their local beach in the mid day. The Cape Verde islands have a large population percentage of youths. . Praia, Tarrafal , Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. Building and prison quarters of the Ex-Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal. An ex political prison camp of Tarrafal. Praia, Sao Tiago Island, Cape Verde. Praia, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde

03/04/2009. The town of Picos on Sao Tiago Island of the Cape Verdes. Landscape view of volcanic formations and residential buildings with church. . Praia, Picos town, Sao Tiago Island. Cape Verde