39 results found

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, North America

Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Syntagma Square with the Old Royal Palace, Athens, Greece, Europe

Greek National Guard soldier (Evones) guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier outside the Vouli Parliament building, Athens, Greece, Europe

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, statue of Goddess Roma, Vittorio Emanuele II Monument, Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland), Rome, Lazio, Italy, Europe

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, statue of Goddess Roma, Vittorio Emanuele II Monument, Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland), Rome, Lazio, Italy, Europe

Tomb of Unknown U.S. Soldier, U.S. San Francisco National Cemetery, The Presidio, San Francisco, California, United States of America, North America

Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Victor Emmanuel Monument at night, Rome, Lazio, Italy, Europe

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier World War II war memorial, Mogila Neizvestnova Soldata, at The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, Russian Federation

Evzone soldiers, Changing the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Parliament Building, Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, Europe

Guards in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with the old Palace Parliament behind in Athens, Greece, Europe

Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Changing the guards ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, North America

The Memorial Amphitheatre, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America (USA), North America

Evzone soldiers, Changing the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Parliament Building, Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, Europe

Wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Millenary Monument at Heroes' Square, Wreathes at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in front of Millenary Monument at Heroes' Square, Pest, Budapest, Hungary

Mass graves in Ploetzensee, partly unknown dead from the last months of the second world war, Berlin, Germany, Europe

White grave stone, unknown, anonymous, soldier's graves, war graves, the fallen, Terlincthun British war cemetery, world war, Wimille, Boulogne sur Mer, Nord Pas de Calais, France, Europe

Evzoni, changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier in front of parliament at Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, Europe

Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, also known as Vittoriano or Altare della Patria, designed by Giuseppe Sacconi in 1885, later also tomb of the Unknown Soldier, by night, Piazza Venezia, Rome, Italy, Europe

Changing of the guards in front of Parliament, Evzones at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece, Europe

People standing at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, USA

On Either Side Of The Roof-Top Viewing Area Was The Goddess Victoria Riding On Quadrigas, Rome, Italy

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Panteon Nacional de los Huroes (National Pantheon of the Heroes), Asuncion, Paraguay

Greece, Attica, Athens, Greek soldiers, Evzones, beside Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, outside Parliament building.

USA, Washington DC, Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Changing of the Guard.

Greece, Attica, Athens, Greek soldiers, Evzones, marching beside Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, outside Parliament building.

Greece, Attica, Athens, Greek soldier, Evzone, marching beside Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, outside Parliament building.

Greece, Attica, Athens, Greek soldiers, Evzones, marching beside Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, outside Parliament building.

Greece, Attica, Athens, Greek soldier, an Evzone, beside Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, outside Parliament building.