4 results found

The hilt of one of the king's daggers, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Detail of the exterior of the gilt shrine showing the king pouring perfumed liquid into the queen's hand, from the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Bas Relief, Tomb of Seti I, KV17, Valley of the Kings, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Image of Goddess Maat, Paintings and Relief, Tomb of Nefertari, QV66, Valley of the Queens, Ancient Thebes, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Luxor, Egypt, North Africa, Africa

Candles in front of the Pharaoh's treasure house, struck in rock, at night, view from above into the gorge, facade of the treasure house Al-Khazneh, Khazne Faraun, mausoleum in the Nabataean city of Petra, near Wadi Musa, Jordan, Asia

Chimu-Lambayeque Culture, 1100 to 1400AD, from the Lambayeque Valley on north coast gold Feline Idols (wall decorations), Peru