26 results found

Kim Il Sung Square, hordes of young people rehearsing marching routines prior to a grand parade, Pyongyang, North Korea, Asia

Kim Il Sung Square, hordes of young people rehearsing marching routines prior to a grand parade, Pyongyang, North Korea, Asia

Workers' Party Monument amid painted blocks of flats, seen from Juche Tower, Pyongyang, North Korea, Asia

Grand People's Study House and Kim Il Sung Square, seen across Taedong River, Pyongyang, North Korea, Asia

Village, rice paddies and farmland, with large irrigation canal, near Hambong, Hamgyong Province, North Korea, Asia

International Friendship Exhibition, built inside mountain as nuclear bunker, at Myohyang, North Korea, Asia

City centre tower blocks of flats, seen across Taedong River from Juche Tower, Pyongyang, North Korea, Asia

Mansudae Grand Monument, statues beside the two large bronze Kim statues, Pyongyang, North Korea, Asia