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A female cave explorer looks into a very pretty Gour Pool. The floor of which is covered with 'dog tooth' crystals. The edges of

One cave explorer delays the dreaded task of getting up from his sleeping bag and put on his cold wet clothes again from the day

A female cave explorer looks into a crystal clear Gour Pool surrounded by delicate Stalactite formations.

Three cave explorers tackle a steep rubble slope on their way to an underground camp in a cave in the jungle of Mulu called Whit

Camp life in what was termed 'The Geode Cafe' due to the crystal coated walls of this particular sandy space in Moon Cave.

A female cave explorer wades through the terminal Gour Pool so very close to the surface at the most remote part of Whiterock (c

Two female cave explorers stop for a rest whilst exploring this delightfully linear tunnel deep in Whiterock (cave).

Two female cave explorers stop for a rest whilst exploring this delightfully linear tunnel deep in Whiterock (cave).

A cave explorer relaxing in his sleeping bag before having to get up and put on his cold wet clothes from the day before.

A British cave explorer casually admires the highly decorative formations in this particular passage, in Whiterock (cave). Deep

Fascinated by the pretty formations, this cave explorer poses for scale next to a cluster of Stalactites deep in Moon Cave.

Two cave explorers walk through a section of cave tunnel deep in heart of the mountain. At this point in the cave the floor was

BURKINA FASO Environment Flooding Bund low rock walls built to prevent soil erosion by flash floods. Stones are placed along the contours on gentle slopes. Sometimes the bunds are reinforced by planting tough grasses along the lines. The stones and grass encourage rain water to infiltrate the soil and reduce the amount of rain water that is lost by run-off. Any soil that has been eroded by run-off is trapped by the bund. Topsoil and organic matter e.g. leaf litter is deposited here.Bunds are placed 10 to 25 metres apart African Western Africa Ecology Entorno Environmental Environnement Green Issues

Burkina Faso Environment Flooding Bund low rock walls built to prevent soil erosion by flash floods. Stones are placed along the contours on gentle slopes. Sometimes the bunds are reinforced by planting tough grasses along the lines. The stones and grass encourage rain water to infiltrate the soil and reduce the amount of rain water that is lost by run-off. Any soil that has been eroded by run-off is trapped by the bund. Topsoil and organic matter e.g. leaf litter is deposited here.Bunds are placed 10 to 25 metres apart African Western Africa Ecology Entorno Environmental Green Issues Environnement

Dugong (Dugong dugon) swimming back to the surface to breathe after feeding on seagrass meadow (Halophila stipulacea), accompanied by a young Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus). Marsa Alam, Egypt. Red Sea

Dugong (Dugong dugon) swimming back to the surface to breathe after feeding on seagrass meadow (Halophila stipulacea), accompanied by a young Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus). Marsa Alam, Egypt. Red Sea

Huchet Current Nature Reserve and Dunes-du-Sud State Forest, Moliets Beach, Landes, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

Masai giraffe drinking from a waterhole by night, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Group of Striped Mongoose;Mungos mungo) arriving at a watering hole, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Masai giraffe drinking from a waterhole by night, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Shrubby savannah landscape with Masai giraffe;Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) drinking from a waterhole, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

White-tailed mongoose;Ichneumia albicauda), comes to drink in a pond, at night, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Blue wildebeest;Connochaetes taurinus), drinking from a waterhole, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Lioness;Panthera leo) drinking from a waterhole by night, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), close to the Antarctic Peninsula during late summer. Polar Region, Southern Ocean, Antarctic Peninsula

Marina wharves at the river mouth of the Piedras River. Aerial view. Drone shot. Huelva province, Andalusia, Spain.

Saline ponds at the Bonanza salt works near Sanlúcar de Barrameda. The reddish colour depends on the level of salinity and is directly caused by the algae Dunaliella salina and brine shrimp. Aerial view. Drone shot. Cádiz province, Andalusia, Spain.

Harvesting salt at the saline ponds near Chiclana de la Frontera. The orange-red colour depends on the level of salinity and is directly caused by the algae Dunaliella salina and brine shrimp. Aerial view. Drone shot. Cádiz province, Andalusia, Spain.

African Savanna Elephant or Savanna Elephant;Loxodonta africana), drinking by night at the waterhole, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Shrubby savannah landscape with Masai giraffe;Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) and Plains zebra;Equus quagga) drinking from a waterhole, Shompole wilderness, Shompole Community, Kenya, East Africa, Africa

Town of Talloires-Montmin , view of Lake Annecy from a jetty with flower boxes, Haute Savoie Department, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Region, France