18 results found

Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) juvenile, standing on a fallen branch, Rotter-meren, The Netherlands (Holland), Europe

Blue-footed booby feet (Sula nebouxii), Punta Pitt, San Cristobal (Chatham) Island, Galapagos, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Goose, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Free-range birds may be at risk if Avian Flu (Bird Flu Virus) spreads

Fattened Toulouse Geese, France. Free-range birds may be at risk if Avian Flu (Bird Flu Virus) spreads

Geese farm, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Free-range birds may be at risk if Avian Flu (Bird Flu Virus) spreads

Geese farm, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Free-range birds may be at risk if Avian Flu (Bird Flu Virus) spreads

Geese farm, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Free-range birds may be at risk if Avian Flu (Bird Flu Virus) spreads

A Light Mantled Albatross, or Light Mantled Sooty Albatross, Phoebetria palpebrata, on South Georgia, on nesting cliffs at Grytviken.

A Chinstrap Penguin, Pygoscelis antarctica, at Hannah Point on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic. Behind the penguin is lots of greenery, plants that are expanding as the Antarctic Peninsular warms as a result of climate change,

American Mink (Mustela vison) peering over rock with wet fur, paw on rock. American Mink is a formidable predator in water environments, unfortunately it is in the wrong country. This one was hunting amongst rocks on the banks of Loch Awe. Argyll, Scotland

Eider duck (Somateria mollissima), male. Male appearing to call someone. Actual behaviour is scratching and cleaning mouth with claw on webbed foot, while drifting with winter raft , Scotland, United Kingdom

Eider male and female (Somateria mollissima) flying into land in a raft. Eiders raft together in winter, the males all squabiling together, preening, diving and flapping. Eiders come from all over to raft together , Scotland

The feet of a Whistling duck at Martin Mere bird reserve near Ormskirk, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Brown booby (Sula leucogaster), detail of feet, St. Peter and St. Paul's rocks, Brazil, South America