4 results found

Black-footed ferret (American polecat) (Mustela nigripes) with a hair-dye marker to indicate that it was treated by the wildlife biologist, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, Conata Basin, South Dakota, United States of America, North America

Brown capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) (Sapajus apella) on tree, Tambopata National Reserve, Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata Province, Madre de Dios, Peru, South America

Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) weaner pup eye detail on the beach at Gold Harbour on South Georgia, Polar Regions

Adult yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia aureola) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Volunteer Feeding a Rescued Koala Bear at the Koala Bear Sanctuary, Port Macquarie, Gold Coast of Australia

Conservation biologist George Schaller asks local shepherds and policemen about leopards and cheetah, at a border post on the border with Iran, in Gulran District, in the northwest part of Herat Province. Dr. Schaller was making a wildlife survey to see what remained of biodiversity in the Northwest corner of Afghanistan, and interviewed soldiers, shepherds and other Afghans who move through the region to find out what wildlife they had seen.

Wildlife biologist George Schaller examines a leopard skin being sold in the bazaar of Herat, Herat Province, Afghanistan. Dr. George Schaller led a trip into the regions northwest of Herat to make a wildlife survey, looking especially for any signs of leopard, cheetah and wild ass.

Haji Joma Khan, the head of Char Manar village in Gulran District, talks to wildlife biologists in the northwest part of Herat Province.

A local hunter, Abdul Rahim, discusses wild animals and their habitat with a wildlife biologist, Dr. George Schaller and his assistant, who are conducting a wildlife survey, in the Band-e Baba range, Herat Province, Afghanistan

LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries biologist Clint Edds monitoring oil slicked marsh grasses at the northeastern edge of Barataria Bay.

LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries biologist Clint Edds monitoring oil slicked marsh grasses at the northeastern edge of Barataria Bay.