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Man unloading sacks of flour off a truck on the road from Semarang to Juwana, Java island, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, it has been heavily deforested. The deforestation has been to clear land for an expanding population to have access to land to grow subsistence crops and also to make charcoal, which is the main cooking fuel in Malawi. This shot shows a logging camp on the Zomba Plateau.

The road, for the most part, is a painstakingly handmade affair built and maintained by labourers from bihar state of india. They are subjected to excruciating and extremely dangerous working conditions. The workers are woefully ill-equipped and under-dressed and although the army purports to lend them winter clothing suitable for the extremity of the weather at these altitudes, many of the workers were visibly suffering from the cold. Ladkha, india

The road, for the most part, is a painstakingly handmade affair built and maintained by labourers from bihar state of india. They are subjected to excruciating and extremely dangerous working conditions. The workers are woefully ill-equipped and under-dressed and although the army purports to lend them winter clothing suitable for the extremity of the weather at these altitudes, many of the workers were visibly suffering from the cold. Ladkha, india

The road, for the most part, is a painstakingly handmade affair built and maintained by labourers from bihar state of india. They are subjected to excruciating and extremely dangerous working conditions. The workers are woefully ill-equipped and under-dressed and although the army purports to lend them winter clothing suitable for the extremity of the weather at these altitudes, many of the workers were visibly suffering from the cold. Ladakh, india

The road, for the most part, is a painstakingly handmade affair built and maintained by labourers from bihar state of india. They are subjected to excruciating and extremely dangerous working conditions. The workers are woefully ill-equipped and under-dressed and although the army purports to lend them winter clothing suitable for the extremity of the weather at these altitudes, many of the workers were visibly suffering from the cold. Ladkha, india

Petroleum light simulates working conditions in a mining pit, Ostalb province, Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Depiction of historical steamships, shipping routes, ship lift Henrichenburg, Westphalian industry museum, Waltrop, channel, Dortmund Ems channel, museum, industry museum, route of the industry culture, NRW, Nordrhein Westphalia, Ruhr district, Germany

Members of the American Postal Workers Union rally to save six-day mail delivery, Michigan AFL-CIO President Mark Gaffney speaking to the crowd, Detroit, Michigan, USA, America

Workers prepare transuranic nuclear waste from America's nuclear weapons program for long-term storage at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, here a fork lift moves a TRUPACT shipping container used to transport nuclear waste by truck from distant places.; t

Workers prepare transuranic nuclear waste from America's nuclear weapons program for long-term storage at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, here a worker checks radiation levels on the outside of storage containers because they are stored in rooms carved o

Helicopter connecting power lines, worker on an electricity pylon reaching for the cable, Waldviertel, Forest Quarter, Austria, Europe

Sulphur carrier climbing out of Kawah Ijen volcano, Ijen crater, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia, Asia

"Stimmen fuer den Mindestlohn", voices for the minimum wage, "Die Menschenpyramide", man pyramid, mural by Victor Ash on Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin, Germany, Europe

Figure of a saline workman in a white robe, Deutsches Salzmuseum or German Salt Museum, Lueneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany, Europe

The medieval astronomic clock, the only one of its kind in good working condition. Church Marienkirche, a landmark of Rostock. The hanseatic city of Rostock . Europe,Germany, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, June

The medieval astronomic clock, the only one of its kind in good working condition. Church Marienkirche, a landmark of Rostock. The hanseatic city of Rostock . Europe,Germany, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, June

Crop consultant checking plants and conditions of farmland, no till cotton at the seedling stage where corn was previous crop, England, Arkansas, United States of America

A heap of recycled reclaimed timber planks of wood. Environmentally responsible reclamation in a timber yard. A man carrying a large plank of splintered rough wood, Pine Plains, New York, USA

Working on an organic farm. A woman holding a handful of fresh green vegetables, produce freshly picked, Woodstock, New York, USA

Working on an organic farm. A man holding a basket full of corn on the cob, vegetables freshly picked, Woodstock, New York, USA

Two people with baskets of tomatoes and curly green leafy vegetables. Working on an organic farm, Woodstock, New York, USA

Two people with baskets of tomatoes and curly green leafy vegetables. Working on an organic farm, Woodstock, New York, USA