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Freshly-caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, at Puerto Luarca in Asturias, Spain

Freshly-caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, at Puerto Luarca in Asturias, Spain

Fresh caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, at Puerto Luarca in Asturias, Spain

Auction of freshly-caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, Puerto Luarca, Spain

The flooded town of Towyn in North Wales. Caravans in a mobile home park and caught up in the disaster. Streets of houses are surrounded by the flood waters.

A lioness hunting, Grumeti, Tanzania, East Africa.She has lost a paw after being caught in a poachers snare but still hunts successfully for herself and her cubs.

White-fronted tern (Sterna Striata) in flight with fish in beak, across the Hauraki Gulf off the Coromandel Peninsula, North Island, New Zealand

Colourful local woman selling freshly caught yellow fin tuna fish from the pier at Santa Maria, Sal island, Cape Verde, Africa

Auction of freshly-caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, Puerto Luarca, Asturias, Spain, Europe

Freshly-caught live oysters, fin de claires, on sale at food market at La Reole in Bordeaux region of France

Auction of freshly-caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, Puerto Luarca, Asturias, Spain, Europe

Auction of freshly-caught fish at Confradia de Pescadores de Luarca, Confederation of Luarca Fishermen, Puerto Luarca, Asturias, Spain, Europe

A man holds up a freshly caught Trevally fish at Castara in Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Freshly-caught live oysters, fin de claires, on sale at food market at La Reole in Bordeaux region of France

Fishmonger displaying freshly caught fish in Tangier fish market, Tangier, Morocco, North Africa, Africa

Sorting fresh caught fish in Siglufjorour, Siglufjordur, off the north coast of Iceland, Polar Regions

Freshly-caught squid, encornets frais, on sale at food market at Sauveterre- de-Guyenne, Bordeaux, France

Young man with fish caught on a line, northeast coast, island of Praslin, Seychelles, Indian Ocean, Africa

Sorting freshly caught fish in Siglufjorour, Siglufjordur, off the north coast of Iceland, Polar Regions

Women preparing fish caught in the Mekong River, in village near Luang Prabang, Laos, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia

In the 13th century, the golden age of the mongol empire, a sport resembling polo became a training game for the mongolian cavalry throughout high asia. horsemen learned to bend low at speed, like acrobats to finish off fallen enemies with sabres, looting their prey on the ground by scooping up jewels that caught their eye. there are stories, too, of genghis khan knocking about an enemys head as if it were a ball. orkhon valley, central mongolia

Bangladesh fish caught at a fish hatchery employing scientific methods at haluaghat, mymensingh region

Bangladesh fish caught at a fish hatchery employing scientific methods at haluaghat, mymensingh region

Bangladesh fish caught at a fish hatchery employing scientific methods at haluaghat, mymensingh region

Australia. Older aborigine woman who jhas just caught a catfish, aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

Bangladesh fish caught at a fish hatchery employing scientific methods at haluaghat, mymensingh region

Bangladesh farid pathang with a fish caught in his pond, garo tribal minority haluaghat, mymensingh region

Bangladesh farid pathang and son homar with a big fish caught in their pond garo tribal minority haluaghat, mymensingh region

Bangladesh fish caught at a fish hatchery employing scientific methods at haluaghat, mymensingh region

Sustainably caught fish in a net onboard a small traditional Greek fishing boat in Myrina harbour, on Lemnos, Greek Islands, Greece, Europe

A fish caught in Lake Athabasca by Robert Grandjamber, who lives in Fort Chipewyan, a First Nation community downstream of the tar sands industry, Alberta, Canada, North America

A fish caught in Lake Athabasca by Robert Grandjamber, who lives in Fort Chipewyan, a First Nation community downstream of the tar sands industry, Alberta, Canada, North America

Sustainably caught fish on a traditional Greek fishing boat in Myrina harbour on Lemnos, Greek Islands, Greece, Europe

Bangladesh farid pathang and homar, father and son of garo tribal minority, with freshly caught fish, haluaghat, mymensingh region

Benin atimakan vincent de, (40), hiv+ receiving counselling. I no how i caught, maybe a mosquito, i never slept anyone but my Saint camille clinic, abomey.

Sustainably caught fish on a traditional Greek fishing boat in Myrina harbour on Lemnos, Greek Islands, Greece, Europe

Meditteranean fish, sustainably caught by a traditional Greek fishing boat in the harbour at Myrina on Lemnos, Greek Islands, Greece, Europe

Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhinchos) being hooked with long line, Rongelap, Marshall Islands, Pacific

Fisherman fins silky shark (Carcharhinus falcifomes) and blue shark (Prionace glauca), offshore commercial longline shark fishing, Brazil, South America

Capture of silky shark (Carcharhinus falcifomes), offshore commercial longline shark fishing, Brazil, South America

Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) hooked on fishing line, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States of America, North America

Fishermen captures great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran), offshore commercial longline shark fishing, Brazil, South America

Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), a carnivorous fish, caught on a line, southern Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, South America

Fishermen lower yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) into freezer, offshore commercial longline tuna fishing, Brazil, South America

Three generations of Mexican fisherman work to pick, sort, and clean a huge catch from their gill net in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Three generations of Mexican fisherman work to pick, sort, and clean crabs from their gill net in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico

A Mexican fisherman holds up a Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas - also called the Humbolt squid) hand caught at night off the Baja Peninsula, in Santa Rosalia, Baja, Mexico

Three generations of Mexican fisherman work to pick, sort, and clean a huge catch from their gill net in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Processing the wild-caught salmon catch at Norquest Cannery in Petesburg, Southeast Alaska. No model release.

Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas) eye and head detail. Mexican panga fishery in Santa Rosalia, Baja, Mexico

Inuit Settlement with locals cutting large slabs of whale meat from a freshly caught Grey whale, Lorino Village (Chukotskiy Peninsular) Russia, Asia.

Inuit Settlement with local boy pretending to surf on the tale of a freshly caught Grey whale, Lorino Village (Chukotskiy Peninsular) Russia, Asia.

Inuit Settlement with locals cutting large slabs of whale meat from a freshly caught Grey whale, Lorino Village (Chukotskiy Peninsular) Russia, Asia.

Fishermen displaying Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) jaw in the fish market. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Bottlenose dolphin and Finless porpoise washed up dead on a beach. Netting from fishing gear that killed them was still attached to their tails. Arabian Gulf, UAE

Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) caught in creel line. Minke whales are occasionally caught in the lines connecting lobster pots (creels) and will drown if not released promptly. This creel fishermen helped researchers untangle this dead whale from another fisherman's gear. Hebrides, Scotland

Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Swallows a captured salmon after a successful hunting strike. Moray Firth, Scotland

cray pot, wild, day, Western Australian rock lobster (panulirus cygnus), marine protected area, free-diving off Rottnest Island, Western Australia, Indian Ocean. MORE INFO: checking pots for crayfish, catch and release if to small or females with eggs.

Fishermen lower yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) into freezer, offshore commercial longline tuna fishing, Brazil, South America

Inuit Settlement with locals cutting large slabs of whale meat from a freshly caught Grey whale, Lorino Village (Chukotskiy Peninsular) Russia, Asia.

Fishermen bleedss yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), offshore commercial longline tuna fishing, Brazil, South America

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) fishing for pink salmon near the salmon weir at Pavlof Harbor on Chichagof Island in Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.

Young California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) with monofilament fishing line caught around its neck, Los Islotes in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Mexico.

Inuit Settlement with locals and whale hunters, cutting large slabs of whale meat from a freshly caught Grey whale, Lorino Village (Chukotskiy Peninsular) Russia, Asia.

Fisherman inserts metal rod through the spine to rapidly sacrifice silky shark (Carcharhinus falcifomes), offshore commercial longline shark fishing, Brazil, South America