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Khajo Bridge built by Shah Abbas in around 1650, a favourite place for young people to meet, Isfahan, Iran, Middle East

Carved relief of Royal Persian guard, Apadana Palace, Persepolis, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Iran, Middle East

Shams-al Emarat Towers (Edifice of the Sun), Golestan Palace, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Tehran, Iran, Middle East

Imam Khomeini looks down from the facade of a small mosque in the backstreets, Shiraz, Iran, Middle East

Carved relief of Darius the Great, builder of Persepolis, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Iran, Middle East

Male (right) and female door knockers giving different sounds to ensure the right gender person receives the guest, Abyaneh, Iran, Middle East

Detail from relief of 100 soldiers on a door jamb of the Palace of 100 Columns, Persepolis,UNESCO World Heritage Site, Iran, Middle East

Boy with donkey gives bicyclist a lift in 1500 year old traditional village of red mud brick houses, Abyaneh, Iran, Middle East