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Two Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) in flight in early morning light, Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, United States of America, North America

Arctic tern in flight, Sterba paradisaea, Isle of May breeding colony, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Wildfowl in flight over Snake River surrounded by a cold dawn mist in autumn (fall), Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, United States of America, North America

Red kite (Milvus milvus) in flight with wing tags, Gigrin Farm, Rhayader, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe

View of seagull from ferry at sunset, Kavala, Dimos Kavalas, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Gulf of Thasos, Gulf of Kavala, Greece, Europe

Gannets (Morus bassanus) in flight, following fishing boat off Bass Rock, Firth of Forth, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Seagulls along the river Corrib with the Wolfe Tone Bridge in the background, Galway, Connemara, County Galway, Connacht, Republic of Ireland

An adult anhinga, Anhinga anhinga, taking flight on New River near the Mesoamerican archaeological site of Lamanai, Belize.

An adult anhinga, Anhinga anhinga, taking flight on New River near the Mesoamerican archaeological site of Lamanai, Belize.

Airplane wing and sun burst over clouds while in flight en route to Houston, Texas, United States of America, North America

Three Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) in flight silhouetted against red clouds, Bernardo Wildlife Area, Ladd S. Gordon Wildlife Complex, New Mexico, United States of America, North America

Adult black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys), close up at nesting site on West Point Island, Falklands, South America

Adult black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys), close up of tail at nesting site on New Island, Falklands, South America

Imperial shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps), returning to the nest on New Island in the Falkland Islands, South America

Imperial shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps), returning to the nest on New Island in the Falkland Islands, South America

Adult black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys), in flight returning to nesting site on West Point Island, Falklands, South America

Adult black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys), in flight returning to nesting site on West Point Island, Falklands, South America

Adult black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys), in flight returning to nesting site on West Point Island, Falklands, South America

Adult black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys), pair in courtship display at nesting site on New Island, Falklands, South America

Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus), feeding on a sheep carcass at West Point Island, Falkland Islands, South America

Adult Subantarctic Skua (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) cleaning itself in glacier run off at Stromness Bay, South Georgia, Polar Regions

Adult Subantarctic Skua (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) on tussac at Salisbury Plain on South Georgia Island, Polar Regions

Antarctic shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis), in flight with nesting material in its beak at Jougla Point, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Antarctic tern (Sterna vittata), feeding in the Enterprise Islands, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Antarctic tern (Sterna vittata), on the wreck of the Guvernoren in the Enterprise Islands, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae), leaping into the sea at Booth Island, Antarctica, Polar Regions

Flying fish from the family Exocoetidae taking flight near White Island, North Island, New Zealand, Pacific

A flock of birds flying over an old boat on the Yamuna River at sunset in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, Asia

Steep flight of steps of Cret du Roc, Saint-Etienne, Loire department, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region, France, Europe

Steep flight of steps of Cret du Roc, Saint-Etienne, Loire department, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region, France, Europe

Adult surf scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) in flight in Glacier Bay National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Southeast Alaska, Pacific Ocean, United States of America, North America

Couple of Great black-backed gulls in the cliffs of Etretat, Seine Maritime department, Normandy region, France, Europe

Adult kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), nesting on lichen covered rocks on Half Moon Island in Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adult snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea nivea), in flight near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adult black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) in flight near Alexander Island in Franz Josef Land, Russia, Eurasia

Adult cape petrels (Daption capense), in flight near Deception Island, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adult Swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus) in flight in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult Swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Great frigatebirds (Fregata minor) in flight on Genovesa (Tower) Island, in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Male Great frigatebird (Fregata minor) in flight against the nearly full moon on Genovesa (Tower) Island, Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Male Great frigatebird (Fregata minor) in breeding plumage with red gular pouch, on Genovesa (Tower) Island, Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Male Great frigatebird (Fregata minor) in breeding plumage with red gular pouch, on Genovesa (Tower) Island, Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Black and whilte image of an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), after having jumped from a cliff edge in Borgarfjaroarhofn, Iceland, Polar Regions

Galapagos brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) feeding in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) in flight over saltwater lagoon in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult Nazca booby (Sula grantii) with downy chick in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Nazca booby (Sula grantii) downy chick stretching its wings to gather strength for flight in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Nazca booby (Sula grantii) downy chick stretching its wings to gather strength for flight in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) in flight in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) being attacked in flight by a great frigatebird (Fregata minor) in the Galapagos, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) returning to the nest site with nest building material in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) returning to the nest site with nest building material in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) in flight in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) returning to the nest site with nest building material in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) being attacked in flight by a great frigatebird (Fregata minor) in the Galapagos, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) returning to the nest site in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) in flight in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) returning to the nest site with nest building material in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America

White-faced heron (Egretta novaehollandiae), in flight at the Volivoli Resort grounds on Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific, Pacific

Science and Technology Gallery, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Passengers viewing sunset at Charles de Gaulle airport departure lounge, Terminal 2F, Paris, France, Europe

Adult wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) in flight near the Tristan da Cunha Group, South Atlantic Ocean

Adult wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) in flight near the Tristan da Cunha Group, South Atlantic Ocean

Adult wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) in flight near the Tristan da Cunha Group, South Atlantic Ocean

Adult yellow-nosed albatross (Thalassarche chlorohynchos) in flight near the Tristan da Cunha Group, South Atlantic Ocean

Adult spectacled petrel (Procellaria conspicillata) in flight near Nightingale Island, part of the Tristan da Cunha Group, South Atlantic Ocean

Flying fish from the family Exocoetidae take flight as the ship flushes them just off Ascension Island in the southern tropical Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean

Flying fish from the family Exocoetidae take flight as the ship flushes them just off Ascension Island in the southern tropical Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean

Young northern gannets (Morus bassanus) in flight near Ile des Oiseaux in the Parc National du Delta du Saloum, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Senegal, West Africa, Africa

Young northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in flight near Ile des Oiseaux in the Parc National du Delta du Saloum, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Senegal, West Africa, Africa

Adult brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis), plunge diving for fish, Isla Carmen, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America

Adult macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) porpoising for speed while traveling to their breeding colony on South Georgia, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adult wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) at nest site on Prion Island in the Bay of Isles, South Georgia, Polar Regions

Aerial view of hot air balloon over rock formations in Love Valley at sunrise, Goreme, Goreme Historical National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cappadocia, Central Anatolia Region, Anatolia, Turkey, Asia Minor, Asia

Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) in flight against the sun near South Georgia, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adult light-mantled sooty albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata) on the wing in Elsehul on South Georgia, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions

Adult grey-headed albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma) (grey-headed mollymawk), Elsehul, South Georgia, Polar Regions

Adult striated caracara (Phalcoboenus australis), close-up, on Carcass Island in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Ocean, South America