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206 results found

A young school girl with her parents outside their home in Tinguri, northern Ghana, West Africa, Africa

Indian family three generations with pregnant young wife by auto rickshaw in Sadri town in Pali District of Rajasthan, Western India

Father and son by Qilin statue, Summer Palace, Beijing. China has a one child family policy to limit population.

Woman carrying French baguette bread stick walks with child at Angles Sur L'Anglin, Vienne, Poitou-Charantes, France

Father with his daughter on the Great Wall of China at Mutianyu, north of Beijing (formerly Peking), China

Reintroduced young common cranes (Eurasian cranes) (Grus grus) pecking at a surrogate parent and one another on the Somerset Levels, Somerset, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Chinese father and child among the crowds in Tiananmen Square in Peking, now Beijing, China in the 1980s

Australia. Children watching tv in aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

In mid January 2015, a three day period of excessive rain brought unprecedented floods to the small poor African country of Malawi. It displaced nearly quarter of a million people, devastated 64,000 hectares of land, and killed several hundred people. This shot shows A Medicin Sans Frontieres clinic in Makhanga testing local people for malaria, many of whom proved positive for the disease, as a result of the drying up flood waters providing ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Flightless steamer duck (tachyceres brachypterus) new island, falkland islands, mother calling, with group of chicks sat on beach.

Colombia single mother with her children, barrancabermeja. Beautiful people, but they are extremely poor, and the children both suffer from malnutrition and stunted growth. She often does not send them to school becasue they are too hungry

East timor. Camp for internally displaced people (idps) at the don bosco center in dili. Mother and child

India. Small home of hindu family, omana radhara krishnan (mother) and her daughters rashmi (14) and maya (11). They will soon get a better house thanks to house building project funded by cnewa and implemented by diocese of kottayam social services in villages of wayanad district, kerala. 2007

Flightless steamer duck (tachyceres brachypterus) new island, falkland islands, group of chicks with mother, sitting on the beach.

A female Goosander, Mergus merganser,with young ducklings hitching a ride on her back on the river Brathay, Ambleside, Lake District, UK,

Colombia mother relating to her children at a day care and child stimulation center run by dni (international defence of children) in barrancabermeja

Australia. Young girl at home with mother, aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

White stork, stork, ciconia ciconia, mother and young standing in nest, spring, oetwil am see, zuerich, switzerland

Colombia mother relating to her children at a day care and child stimulation center run by dni (international defence of children) in barrancabermeja

Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri), chick on parent's feet begging for food, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Polar Regions

East timor. Camp for internally displaced people (idps) at the don bosco center in dili. Woman with her children

Colombia sunday in la candelaria, bogota, when the streets are closed to motor traffic and opened for cyclists until 2 pm

White stork, stork, ciconia ciconia, weissstorch, storch, mother and young standing in nest, spring, oetwil am see, zuerich, switzerland

Colombia mother relating to her son at a day care and child stimulation center run by dni (international defence of children) in barrancabermeja

Myanmar detail of a kachin farmhouse, myitkyina, a largely kachin community in north burma near chinese border

Colombia day in the life series: hugo andres, 7, of ciudad bolivar, bogota, with his mother ageda, 44

East timor. Husband and wife with maize seeds and onions which they will plant next year, oecussi-ambeno

Colombia day in the life series: hugo andres, 7, of ciudad bolivar, bogota, with his mother ageda, 44

India. Small house of michael and jophy jaison. House building project funded by social services department of ernakulum diocese by father jose thottakara, kerala. 2007

Colombia mother relating to her child at a day care and child stimulation center run by dni (international defence of children) in barrancabermeja

India. Small house of michael and jophy jaison. House building project funded by social services department of ernakulum diocese by father jose thottakara, kerala

Colombia day in the life series: hugo andres, 7, of ciudad bolivar, bogota, with his mother ageda, 44
![Fallen blue quandong fruit (Elaeocarpus grandis [Elaeocarpus Angustifolius]) under parent tree, Couchy Creek Nature Reserve, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific](
Fallen blue quandong fruit (Elaeocarpus grandis [Elaeocarpus Angustifolius]) under parent tree, Couchy Creek Nature Reserve, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) mother and pup on ice calved from the Sawyer Glaciers in Tracy arm, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.

California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) mother and pupat Los Islotes in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), Mexico.

California Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) mother and calf in the calm waters of San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, Mexico.

Curious California Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) mother and calf approach boat in the calm waters of San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, Mexico.
(Restricted Resoluion - pls contact us)

Lindblad Expeditions Guests doing fun and exciting things in the Galapagos Island Archipeligo, Ecuador. Model release number SMB0509.

A leucistic Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) adult feeding its "normal" colored chicks on Devil Island near the Antarctic Peninsula

Adult Antarctic Shag, (Phalacrocorax (atriceps) bransfieldensis) from breeding colony on the Antarctic Peninsula

Lindblad Expeditions Guests doing fun and exciting things in the Galapagos Island Archipeligo, Ecuador. Model release number SMB0509.

Pacific humpback whale adult and calf, Megaptera novaeangliae, underwater in the Au Au Channel, Maui, Hawaii.

Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) parent feeding downy chick on Pleneau Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula.

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) mother (note the wet nipples where her pup has been nursing) on ice calved from the Sawyer Glaciers in Tracy arm, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.

Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) parent with downy chick on Petermann Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula.

Lindblad Expeditions Guests doing fun and exciting things in the Galapagos Island Archipeligo, Ecuador. Model release number SMB0509.

An IDP camp (internally displaced people) in Te-Tugu district of Northern Uganda has been created to accommodate the mass of Ugandan refugees fleeing the LRA (Lords Resistance Army) who are fighting the Ugandan government and its people. With all attempts to be self-sufficient in these camps, the women have to work the land as well as look after dependants. Te-Tugu, Uganda, East Africa

Proud mother shows off her children for a photo opportunity, on the road near their home. They are without dad who will be out working. Gulu Town, Uganda. Gulu Town, Uganda, East Africa

Inside a typical mud hut, commonly found in Gulu Town, Northwest Uganda. Family are without father who is out working during the day. Gulu Town, Uganda, East Africa

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus), female with pup, female is nosing pup to reaffirm parent pup bond.. Mull of Kintyre near Campbeltown, Argyll, Scotland, UK

Mother and Child of Koryaks peoples in native clothes, Ossora Village (Koryakskiy Peninsular) Russia, Asia

A parent and chick Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) on Paulet Island on the Northeast side of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Two Adélie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chicks enjoying childhood guarded by one of their parents. Petermann Island, Antarctica

Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother with calf swimming closeby. Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctic Peninsula

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) mother on ice calved from the Sawyer Glaciers in Tracy arm, Southeast Alaska, USA. Pacific Ocean.

Lindblad Expeditions Guests doing fun and exciting things in the Galapagos Island Archipeligo, Ecuador. Model release number SMB0509.