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Christian Orthodox Easter week celebration in Saint Stephane Greek Orthodox cathedral, Paris, France, Europe

Detail of icon of Christ displayed during Easter week in a Greek Orthodox church, Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece, Europe

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - A blindfolded member of a brotherhood helps to carry a float during a procession on Palm Sunday

Anuradha Koirala, proclaimed winner of CNN Hero of the Year 2010, warmly greeted upon her return. Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal. A woman whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. Anuradha Koirala was chosen by the public in an online poll that ran for eight weeks on ?Human trafficking is a crime, a heinous crime, a shame to humanity,? Koirala said after being introduced as one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010. ?I ask everyone to join me to create a society free of trafficking. We need to do this for all our daughters

Anuradha Koirala holds up her CNN Hero of the Year 2010 award as she is warmly greeted upon her return. Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal. A woman whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. Anuradha Koirala was chosen by the public in an online poll that ran for eight weeks on ?Human trafficking is a crime, a heinous crime, a shame to humanity,? Koirala said after being introduced as one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010. ?I ask everyone to join me to create a society free of trafficking. We need to do this for all our daughters

A WWF project to supply electricity to a remote island in the Sunderbans, a low lying area of the Ganges Delta in Eastern India, that is very vulnerable to sea level rise. Prior to this project the subsistence farmers had no access to electricity. The project involves charging large batteries from solar panels. Each villager collects a battery to run household lighting, and returns to the recharging station once a week to recharge their battery. This shot shows women carrying the heavy batteries (20Kg) from the charging station.

A WWF project to supply electricity to a remote island in the Sunderbans, a low lying area of the Ganges Delta in Eastern India, that is very vulnerable to sea level rise. Prior to this project the subsistence farmers had no access to electricity. The project involves charging large batteries from solar panels. Each villager collects a battery to run household lighting, and returns to the recharging station once a week to recharge their battery. This shot shows women carrying the heavy batteries (20Kg) from the charging station.

After a week of high tides, storm surges and storm force winds, the sea front promenade of Aberystwyth in Wales has been devastated, with millions of £'s of damage. The crsahing waves punched a large hole in the sea wall and has collapsed Aberystwyth's iconic, Victorian promenade shelter, which has stood for over 100 years. This picture was taken on Wednesday 8th January, 2014, the day the council started to try and clear the thousands of tonnes of beach rubble off the sea front road.

After a week of high tides, storm surges and storm force winds, the sea front promenade of Aberystwyth in Wales has been devastated, with millions of £'s of damage. The crsahing waves punched a large hole in the sea wall and has collapsed Aberystwyth's iconic, Victorian promenade shelter, which has stood for over 100 years. This picture was taken on Wednesday 8th January, 2014, the day the council started to try and clear the thousands of tonnes of beach rubble off the sea front road.

After a week of high tides, storm surges and storm force winds, the sea front promenade of Aberystwyth in Wales has been devastated, with millions of £'s of damage. The crsahing waves punched a large hole in the sea wall and has collapsed Aberystwyth's iconic, Victorian promenade shelter, which has stood for over 100 years. This picture was taken on Wednesday 8th January, 2014, the day the council started to try and clear the thousands of tonnes of beach rubble off the sea front road.

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - A brotherhood member manages a smoke while helping to carry a float in procession on Palm Sunday

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - Crowds mill around the giant cloak of the Virgen de la Trinidad as her float passes through the city streets

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - Members of a brotherhood carrying a religious float in procession

These reindeer peoples' entire existence is based around their herds of reindeer, which provide milk, skins for clothes, horn for carving and medicine, transport and occasionally, meat. the tsaatan are part of the tuvan ethnic group, which inhabits the tuvan republic of russia. there are only about 200 tsaatan in total, spread over 100,000 sq km of northern mongolia. they are nomadic, often moving their small encampments every three to four weeks, searching for special types of grass and moss loved by the reindeer. the tsaatan are strong practitioners of shamanism. west taiga, northern mongolia

CAMBODIA HIV+ couple making handicrafts. Toul Sambo village is a resettlement area outside of Phnom Penh. Set in rural tranquility surrounded by paddy fields, it is a peaceful place for its residents. A Caritas Cambodia project, it has two focus groups who live there. One group is largely HIV+ and used to reside in a Phnom Penh slum called Borey Kila, until they were evicted by the government who wanted to develop the land for offices and shopping malls. The other group consists of those made homeless when a river's bank subsided in their village, destroying their homes. At the home of Kea Nimal and Kem Sokhorn, both HIV+. They are very industrious working at home making paper bags and ornaments, some with recyclable materials. They can earn $12-$15 per 5-day working week, and live quite comfortably in their attractive home with TV, motor-cycle and other conveniences. They say they are much better off than in the crowded and unhealth slum of Borey Kila in Phnom Penh where they used to live. They get regular orders for the handicrafts they make. They stay healthy by taking ARVs, which are supplied free of charge by the Hope Organization. PHOTO by Sean Sprague

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) -A baby sleeps as the lights of a procession pass in background

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - A girl collects candle wax from a penitent during a procession

Malaga-Spain - Easter Week (Semana Santa) - Some of the one hundred members of a brotherhood required to carry the religious floats

Orphaned baby black flying-fox (Pteropus alecto) approximately 4 weeks old, asleep in hand, Hopkins Creek, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific

Orphaned baby black flying-fox (Pteropus alecto) resting after feed, approximately 4 weeks old, Hopkins Creek, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific

Juvenile little red Flying-fox (Pteropus scapulatus) male approximately 23 weeks old in care, Hopkins Creek, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific

common seadragon (phyllopteryx taeniolatus) voracious hunters, camouflage looking like a piece of floating weed, unique to Australia, wild, dusk, shore diving, sand, marine park, metropolitan, Perth city, Indian Ocean, cool temperate waters of Western Australia. MORE INFO: amongst kelp, female seadragon deposits up to 150 eggs into the spongy, soft tissue under the tail of the male seadragon. Once fertilised, eggs incubate about 8 weeks. On hatching, miniature seadragons are independent and will start eating almost immediately.

common seadragon (phyllopteryx taeniolatus) voracious hunters, camouflage looking like a piece of floating weed, unique to Australia, wild, dusk, shore diving, sand, marine park, metropolitan, Perth city, Indian Ocean, cool temperate waters of Western Australia. MORE INFO: amongst kelp, female seadragon deposits up to 150 eggs into the spongy, soft tissue under the tail of the male seadragon. Once fertilised, eggs incubate about 8 weeks. On hatching, miniature seadragons are independent and will start eating almost immediately.

common seadragon (phyllopteryx taeniolatus) voracious hunters, camouflage looking like a piece of floating weed, unique to Australia, wild, dusk, shore diving, sand, marine park, metropolitan, Perth city, Indian Ocean, cool temperate waters of Western Australia. MORE INFO: blue water, female seadragon deposits up to 150 eggs into the spongy, soft tissue under the tail of the male seadragon. Once fertilised, eggs incubate about 8 weeks. On hatching, miniature seadragons are independent and will start eating almost immediately.

common seadragon (phyllopteryx taeniolatus) voracious hunters, camouflage looking like a piece of floating weed, unique to Australia, wild, dusk, shore diving, sand, marine park, metropolitan, Perth city, Indian Ocean, cool temperate waters of Western Australia. MORE INFO: amongst kelp, female seadragon deposits up to 150 eggs into the spongy, soft tissue under the tail of the male seadragon. Once fertilised, eggs incubate about 8 weeks. On hatching, miniature seadragons are independent and will start eating almost immediately.

Rissos Dolphin (Grampus griseus) adult and very young calf surfacing. Monterey, California, Pacific Ocean. MORE INFO: This calf still displays foetal folds from when it was curled up inside the womb. It is probably only a couple of weeks old.

The young caterpillars once hatched make silk compounds within which they start their growing process which takes about two weeks. The silk enclosure helps to protect them against potential predators. . Isle of White, UK. Isle of White, UK

Smooth newt embryo (Triturus vulgaris). Two weeks old - wrapped in pond weed (Elodia crispa), Bristol UK. (RR)

A landslide caused by torrential rain waterlogging the ground which blocked a road for a week in Shropshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

The Battle of the Year Breakdance and Hip Hop competition in Montpellier France.
Each year is a great time of Hip Hop culture lies ahead for the final of Battle of the Year, this Breakdance competition puts face to face the best crews of France. Beyond the competition, the Festival A change of direction means a whole week of evenings, debates, exhibitions, graffiti, and Bboy battles Bgirl...

Chichicastenango, Quiche, Guatemala, Central America. Processions of Festival of Santo Thomas. On Easter Sunday The Comrades (Council Men) Carry The Andas (Floats) Of The Saints In Procession From The Santo Tomas

Easter Holy Week procession in Antigua, Guatemala. Jesus Nazareno de la Penitencia Procession in Antigua, Guatemala. Holy Week, friday.

Holy Week processions in Guatemala city. Holy Thursday. Comparsa. Holy Week in Guatemala is celebrated with street expressions of faith, called processions, usually organized by a "hermandades". Each procession of Holy Week has processional floats and steps, which are often religious images of the Passion of Christ, or Marian images, although there are exceptions, like the allegorical steps of saints.

Chichicastenango, Quiche, Guatemala, Central America. Typical women hats during Holy Week processions.

Easter Holy Week procession in Antigua, Guatemala. Jesus Nazareno de la Penitencia Procession in Antigua, Guatemala. Holy Week, friday.

Chichicastenango, Quiche, Guatemala, Central America. Processions of Festival of Santo Thomas. On Easter Sunday The Comrades (Council Men) Carry The Andas (Floats) Of The Saints In Procession From The Santo Tomas

Holy Week processions in Guatemala city. Holy Thursday. Holy Week in Guatemala is celebrated with street expressions of faith, called processions, usually organized by a "hermandades". Each procession of Holy Week has processional floats and steps, which are often religious images of the Passion of Christ, or Marian images, although there are exceptions, like the allegorical steps of saints.

A boy spreads incense at the Jesus Nazareno del Perdon procession during Easter Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala. Holy Week (Semana Santa) carpet of colored sawdust (alfombras) being prepared on Antigua street. Jesus Nazareno de la Penitencia Procession in Antigua, Guatemala.

Easter Holy Week procession in Antigua, Guatemala. Jesus Nazareno de la Penitencia Procession in Antigua, Guatemala. Holy Week, friday.

Two 2 weeks old Arctic Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus parryii) observe their surroundings. Yukon Territory, Canada

Reportage in a post-natal clinic in Champigny, France. Since leaving the neonatal unit, the twins (3-months old) are checked every week to follow their growth.

Reportage in a post-natal clinic in Champigny, France. Since leaving the neonatal unit, the twins (3-months old) are checked every week to follow their growth. Consultation with the post-natal clinic doctor.