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895 results found

A young girl wearing an ornate gold head-dress with gold necklace and earrings in traditional style in Java, Indonesia.

Bearded tribesman wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Two men wearing arab headdresses giving the traditional arab greeting in the Hilton Hotel at Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

A veiled woman, in brightly coloured robes holding her baby while watching a village festival in Nalu, Rajasthan, India

Fijian warriors faces painted black in the traditional manner while attending a tribal gathering in Fiji, South Pacific

A mother carrying her child and queuing for food handouts withother women at Mother Teresa's Mission in Calcutta, India

A security guard in the ruler's special protection force, with earpiece connected to a two-way radio, holding a machine gun. He is wearing a bullet-proof vest as body armour.

A tribesman wearing a large leaf and feather headdress playing a pipe during a meeting of tribes at Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea, Australasia.

A young girl in traditional costume with silver filigree necklace and earrings and a brightly coloured veil, Pakistan

Bearded tribesmen wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Women carrying pots with children in early morning food queue at Mother Teresa's Mission Calcutta, India

Bare-breasted native woman wearing a feathered headdress, beaded necklaces and face paints during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

A woman from Ifugao carrying vegetables on her head on her way through the rice terraces to the market at Banaue on the Island of Luzon in the Philippines

Bearded tribesman wearing feathered headdress and playing a pipe during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Tribesman musicians wearing war paints, feathered headdresses and necklaces made of bones and teeth playing drums and chanting during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Bearded tribesman wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

The poor queuing for food outside Mother Teresa's Mission in Calcutta, India. The women are carrying metal pots in which to carry the food back to their families.

Scottish piper wearing tartan kilt, white gaiters, sporran and with dirk (knife) tucked in h is sock at the Braemar Games highland gathering in Scotland.

Bearded tribesman wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Tribesman wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

A Buddhist monk in saffron coloured robes with hands together while praying at the Buddhist Temple in Huating, China

Young girl staring out from her blue silk hooded costume while taking part in the Semana Santa parade for Holy Week in Seville, Spain (Sevilla). They are carrying palm leaves.

Standing out from the crowd - a healthy sunflower holds its head up proudly while others around it wilt and fade, Loire Valley, France

Bare-breasted tribeswoman and tribesmen wearing face paints, bone necklaces and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Bearded tribesman wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Bearded tribesman wearing war paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea

Tribesman smoking a cigarette while wearing face paints and feathered headdress during a gathering of tribes at Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea