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Portrait of a Bidayu family in traditional dress, cultural village, Sarawak, island of Borneo, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Wayong orong, theatre performance, Puri Ambian Basse, island of Bali, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Portrait of a young woman in national dress, Otoraigur, near Balikchi, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, Asia

Woman in traditional dress, as profiled on 25 cent coin, Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, Central America

Xavante warriors prepare to wrestle wooden poles, a of taming or harnessing dark jungle forests. Brazil

Kenya. Details of beads and watch worn by masai man at a masai village within the amboseli national park. Photo by sean spragu

Australia. Children watching tv in aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

Australia. Older aborigine man, aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

Australia. Older aborigine man, aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

Australia. Young aborigine man visiting his elders. Aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

Myanmar bride groom cutting cake, catholic wedding of tribal kachins at myitkyina, a largely kachin community in north burma near chinese border

Australia. Older aborigine man, aborigine community of , or beswick, arnemland, northern territory. 2007

Xavante race. race is really a race at, it’s a ceremony, an aesthetic event. Xavante nonplused by notions of winning losing. logs carried by team, representing oppositions that xavante believe go to make up universe. running of logs expresses dynamic tension between opposing principles. purpose of ceremonies to stress that these antithesis need tear world apart. Opposing be controlled to complement each other create equilibrium harmony. Brazil

Myanmar musicians at catholic wedding of tribal kachins at myitkyina, a largely kachin community in north burma near chinese border