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Adult female killer whale (Orcinus orca) surfacing in Chatham Strait, Southeast Alaska, United States of America, Pacific Ocean, North America
A sleek blue shark (Prionace glauca) cruises through the cold waters off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the Atlantic Ocean. These beautiful elasmobranchs are found throughout the world in both temperate and tropical seas and are a species listed as Near Thre
A sleek blue shark (Prionace glauca) cruises through the cold waters off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the Atlantic Ocean. These beautiful elasmobranchs are found throughout the world in both temperate and tropical seas and are a species listed as Near Thre
A snowflake moray eel (Echidna nebulosa) peeks out from a dark hole on a reef in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
A well-camouflaged reef stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa, waits to ambush prey in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
A colorful warty frogfish, Antennarius maculatus, yawns as it waits for prey to swim close by in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
A colorful warty frogfish, Antennarius maculatus, yawns as it waits for prey to swim close by in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
A painted frog fish stalks its prey blending in with sponges that are also the same color, Anilao, Philippines.
Adult Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), on lichen-covered rocks in Hercules Bay on South Georgia Island, Polar Regions
Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus), feeding on a sheep carcass at West Point Island, Falkland Islands, South America
Adult Subantarctic Skua (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) cleaning itself in glacier run off at Stromness Bay, South Georgia, Polar Regions
Northern giant petrel (Macronectes halli) threat display while feeding on elephant seal pup carcass at Stromness, South Georgia, Polar Regions
Northern giant petrel (Macronectes halli) attempting to eat a king penguin chick (Aptenodytes patagonicus), Gold Harbour, South Georgia, Polar Regions
Antarctic shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis), in flight with nesting material in its beak at Jougla Point, Antarctica, Polar Regions
Adult bull southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) issuing a bellowing challenge at Gold Harbour on South Georgia, Polar Regions
Northern (Steller) sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) hauled out at South Marble Island in Glacier Bay National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Alaska, United States of America, North America
Northern (Steller) sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) bull feeding on fisherman's scraps near Petersburg, Alaska, United States of America, North America
Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) feeding underwater on small baitfish in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) feeding underwater on small baitfish in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) feeding underwater on small baitfish in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) feeding underwater on small baitfish in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) feeding underwater on small baitfish in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Adult red-footed booby (Sula sula) being attacked in flight by a great frigatebird (Fregata minor) in the Galapagos, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) feeding underwater on small baitfish in the Galapagos Islands, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii), hauled out on ice at Half Moon Island, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions
Adult gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua), porpoising for swimming speed near the Antarctic Peninsula, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions
Adult yellow-lipped sea krait (Laticauda colubrina) snake, at night on the Volivoli Resort grounds on Viti Levu, Fiji, South Pacific, Pacific
Young northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in flight near Ile des Oiseaux in the Parc National du Delta du Saloum, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Senegal, West Africa, Africa
Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), in snow storm at breeding colony at Brown Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions
Adult light-mantled sooty albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata) on the wing in Elsehul on South Georgia, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking juvenile Adelie penguins at Brown Bluff near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions
Adult female leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) stalking juvenile Adelie penguins on ice at Brown Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula.
Adult male leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) hauled out on ice in the Gullet near the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, Polar Regions
Young Galapagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis) in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Adult Nazca booby (Sula grantii) feeding on halfbeak, and defending its catch against a frigatebird, in the Galapagos Island Archipelago, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ecuador, South America
Heermann's gull (Larus heermanni), at breeding colony on Isla Rasa, Baja California, Sea of Cortez, Mexico, North Anerica
A predatory stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa) lies camouflaged in the sandy seafloor of Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This is the most venomous fish on Earth but uses its venom only for defensive purposes.
A predatory stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa) lies camouflaged in the sandy seafloor of Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This is the most venomous fish on Earth but uses its venom only for defensive purposes.
Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii), hauled out on ice at Half Moon Island, Antarctica, Southern Ocean, Polar Regions
Adult female sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) eating urchins she has gathered off the sea floor in Inian Pass, Southeastern Alaska, Pacific Ocean, United States of America, North America