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Adult black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) on ice at Monacobreen, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Adult Brunnich's guillemots (Uria lomvia) in flight at Alkefjelet, Cape Fanshawe, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Tourist on inflatable boat exploring Fuglefjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Europe, Norway.

The seasons last remaining shore fast ice in Bellsund, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Young Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) at Gosbergkilen, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

A view of the Lilliehookbreen (Lilliehook Glacier) on the North West side of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Bruennich's Guillemots (Uria lomvia), Alkefjellet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands, Arctic, Norway, Europe

Adult Brunnich's guillemots (Uria lomvia) gathering on the cliffs at Alkefjellet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Bruennich's Guillemots (Uria lomvia), Alkefjellet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands, Arctic, Norway, Europe

Adult Brunnich's guillemots (Uria lomvia) taking flight after a snow avalanche at Alkefjellet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Lilliehook glacier in Lilliehook fjord, a branch of Cross Fjord, Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

A view of the Lilliehookbreen (Lilliehook Glacier) on the North West side of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Lilliehook glacier in Lilliehook fjord, a branch of Cross Fjord, Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Adult Brunnich's guillemots (Uria lomvia) taking flight after a snow avalanche at Alkefjellet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

A view of the Lilliehookbreen (Lilliehook Glacier) on the North West side of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Snow covered mountains and bare rock on the coast of Spitsbergen, Storfjorden, Svalbard, Norway, Europe

Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) resting on a beach, Calypsobyen, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands, Norway.

Adult fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) surfacing off the bow of the National Geographic Explorer, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Polar bear walking on the ice, Billefjord, Svalbard, Spitzbergen, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Ringed seal (Phoca hispida) pup, Billefjord, Svalbard, Spitzbergen, Artic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

The exploration ship Northern Lights at anchor in Varsolbukta, Bellsund, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Zodiac from ice breaker tour ship, Krossfjorden icebergs, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Visitors from ice-breaker tour ship, July 14 Glacier, Krossfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Polar bear on pack ice north of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe, Polar Regions

Tourists in zodiac from ice-breaker tour ship, Krossfjorden icebergs and glacier, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Cruise ship stern lit by evening sun, Norwegian Sea, the Arctic, off Spitsbergen, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Glaciers and nunateks of Winsnesfjelle, Torrell Land, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe

Glacial meltwater tunnel in iceberg showing sculpted water flow patterns, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Arctic, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe