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Fort entrance, Charlotte Amalie, St.Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Statue of Thomas Attwood, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom, Europe

The sermon of Jesus on the mountain by Edouard-Amedee Didron, Church of Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, France, Europe

Woman looking at cruise ship in port, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Barge and pedestrians on the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, UNESCO World Heritage Site, built by Thomas Telford in 1805, crossing River Dee near Llangollen, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe

St. Thomas Indian Mission and Colorado River, Yuma, Arizona, United States of America, North America

Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's house, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Virginia, United States of America, North America

City of Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Statues in the splay and the left sidewall of the central portal depicting from right to left, the apostles Thomas the Apostle, St. Matthew, St. Philip. Amiens Cathedral, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Picardy, France, Europe

Stores on Main Street, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

The Rotunda designed by Thomas Jefferson, University of Virginia, Virginia, United States of America (U.S.A.), North America

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Virginia, United States of America, North America

Shopping, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Horse milk is sprinkled into the four directions, as offerings to the nature spirits of the area, the sadak, or ?owners Of the earth.? Sometimes vodka is used instead, or as well. Milk is sacred to the mongol shamans, who believe that life on earth is descended from beings who originally came here on winged horses. Here two young female shamans make the offering in a ritual manner. Countryside mongols make this offering every morning on waking up; they usually also offer smoke, that the wind carries around the world as a prayer for harmony and prosperity. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

Sang sang rimpoche uses the dorje, a sacred ritual object to make the first decisive cut into the sand mandala on the last day of the mani rimdu festival. chiwang monastery, solu khumbu, nepal. solu khumbu, nepal

Horse milk is sprinkled into the four directions, as offerings to the nature spirits of the area, the sadak, or ?owners Of the earth.? Sometimes vodka is used instead, or as well. Milk is sacred to the mongol shamans, who believe that life on earth is descended from beings who originally came here on winged horses. Here two young female shamans make the offering in a ritual manner. Countryside mongols make this offering every morning on waking up; they usually also offer smoke, that the wind carries around the world as a prayer for harmony and prosperity. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

Mandala mudra, kalachakra, bodhgaya, india. A mandala mudra is a sacred form or diagram of universe collective consciousness. Mandala means essence, la means container; a mandala contains essence of religion possesses great power, gathering within itself forces of universe. Symbolizing both mind body of buddha, mandala represents order harmony achieved by a truly enlightened mind. Hail to jewel in lotus. Nothing at will is born nothing at will there is nothing that is bound there is nothing liberated.,mahasiddha savarip

Aside from a life of simplicity focus on divine, many sadhus engage in a diverse array of practices both internal external in order to attain higher states of awareness consciousness. This sadhu chosen hatha yoga shows results--a well-disciplined, strong body--while holding kukkuta asana, or cock posture. India

Invocation of the tengir (celestial) forces by means of drumming and dance. Like the sun, fire is a force that can attract as a magnet to the tengir forces. Tuvshintugs dorj (in yellow) carries the status of a ?Royal Shaman,? Meaning that he can channel three-quarters or more of the hundred tengir energies. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

Damai, tailor caste of nepal, playing music on celebration of jania purnima festival humla, north-west nepal

Monks offer butter lamps. Bodgaya, india. Monks offer butter lamps in front of mahabodhi temple marks site of buddha’s enlightment twenty-five hundred years. centuries have made pilgrimages across himalayas to sites connected with life of historical buddha. From a tantric perspective, pilgrimage is more than paying homage at sacred sites. Rather, it is that activities performed at these places become a memory of place itself. By attuning oneself through ritual meditation to this timeless presence, similar experiences be evoked

Humla, shamans. shamans central to ceremonial life, with their spirit possession high point of every collective ritual. Their white wool tufted turnans match description of zhangzhung’s priests

Invocation of the tengir (celestial) forces by means of drumming and dance. Like the sun, fire is a the shamans often wear a ?light-protecting visor? Over their eyes. The radiance of the celestial spirits can be extremely strong, and this protects the onlookers from the blast of light when the celestial spirits enter the body of the shaman. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

Invocation of the tengir (celestial) forces by means of drumming and dance. Like the sun, fire is a the shamans often wear a ?light-protecting visor? Over their eyes. The radiance of the celestial spirits can be extremely strong, and this protects the onlookers from the blast of light when the celestial spirits enter the body of the shaman. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

Horse milk is sprinkled into the four directions, as offerings to the nature spirits of the area, the sadak, or ?owners Of the earth.? Sometimes vodka is used instead, or as well. Milk is sacred to the mongol shamans, who believe that life on earth is descended from beings who originally came here on winged horses. Here two young female shamans make the offering in a ritual manner. Countryside mongols make this offering every morning on waking up; they usually also offer smoke, that the wind carries around the world as a prayer for harmony and prosperity. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

H.h. 14th dalai lama. In early days most of individual tantric systems were kept separate from another, each regarded as a path to enlightment. here again passage of time brought about fusion cross-fertilization, a tradition of uniting various tantras emerged, at least on a simple level a daily meditation. India

Tens of thousands of buddhist pilgrims from around the world traveled to bodhgaya, a town in northern india, to hear exiled tibetan spiritual leader hh dalai lama give the kalachakra-religious teachings. Pilgrim take rickshaw to the main temple in bodhgaya. Kalachakra initiation in bodhgaya, bihar, india

Fire ritual at chiwang monastery during the mani rimdu festival. these monks circumambulate the pyre after its ignition. one holds a long book wrapped in a felicitous scarf. the purifying fire takes the offering and raises them towards the sky in smoke. the circumambulatory ritual also recalls the way disciples showed respect for the buddhas body. solu khumbu, nepal

The 400 year-old stone and mud brick house of the Lunpo Alchi (minister of Alchi village) towers above farmhouses topped with fodder, and sits below a latho (god place) marking the presence of a local god. Ladakh, India

Xavante warriors prepare to wrestle wooden poles, a of taming or harnessing dark jungle forests. Brazil

13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time. Tov province, mongolia

Nepal. Sonam & boom praying at charnel grounds. Humla. Vajrayana is tantric mahasiddha, lives fearlessly in terrifying places like remote jungles charnel grounds. nyingma lamas perform ritual at cremation grounds. lama rattles damaru, a small ritual drum to have origins in - shamanism. damaru, used as a tantric device to summon gods ward evil spirits, once made from human skull bones dried human skin as a reminder of impermanence of body. other lama, boom blows a kangling, a human thigh-bone horn. kangling is used in exorcism is capable of gods demons. Traditionally, best bones a kangling come from brahmans, particularly sixteen-year- brahman girls-or from tigers

Wearing tree bark cloth masks and skirts, dancers representing fish spirits are invited during the season of the peach palm harvest to drink the juice. it is a feast and ritual exchange: the host group offers the spirits large quantities of peach palm juice, smoked meat and fish, and shaman-blessed coca and snuff. the visitors are the costumed dancers impersonating animal spirits. people eat the meat and fish, animal spirits receive the fruits of peach palm, which are cultivated, harvested, and processed by humans. this exchange expresses the idea that people and animals depend on each other for survival and reproduction. vaupes basin, eastern colombia amazon, population: 600

Anuradha Koirala, proclaimed winner of CNN Hero of the Year 2010, warmly greeted upon her return. Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal. A woman whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. Anuradha Koirala was chosen by the public in an online poll that ran for eight weeks on ?Human trafficking is a crime, a heinous crime, a shame to humanity,? Koirala said after being introduced as one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010. ?I ask everyone to join me to create a society free of trafficking. We need to do this for all our daughters

Yoruba women dance in trance at a sacred water festival to honor their animistic spirits. nigeria, africa

The idea of the interconnectedness of all things is central to the tribal way of looking at the world. practical knowledge of the environment, of crops and medicines, of hunting and fishing, is a byproduct of it. the makuna believe that human beings, animals, and all of nature are parts of the same one. animals and fish live in their own communities, which are just like human communities, with their chiefs, their shamans, their dance houses, their songs, and their material possessions. when human peoples dance in this world, the shaman invites the animal people to dance in theirs. if humans do not dance and shamans do not offer spirit food to the animal people, the animals will die out and there will be no more game left in the world. for the makuna the radical disjunction so characteristic of western thought between nature and culture, men and animals, dissolves. eastern colombia amazon, vaupes region, population: 600

Anuradha Koirala holds up her CNN Hero of the Year 2010 award as she is warmly greeted upon her return. Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal. A woman whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. Anuradha Koirala was chosen by the public in an online poll that ran for eight weeks on ?Human trafficking is a crime, a heinous crime, a shame to humanity,? Koirala said after being introduced as one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010. ?I ask everyone to join me to create a society free of trafficking. We need to do this for all our daughters

In the 13th century, the golden age of the mongol empire, a sport resembling polo became a training game for the mongolian cavalry throughout high asia. horsemen learned to bend low at speed, like acrobats to finish off fallen enemies with sabres, looting their prey on the ground by scooping up jewels that caught their eye. there are stories, too, of genghis khan knocking about an enemys head as if it were a ball. orkhon valley, central mongolia

A young sadhu reads holy scripture near fire. Worship is part of daily life. Some sadhus chant mantras. gayatri mantra is of several mantras that sacred incantations or mystical formulas of ancient literature. gayatri mantra given by brahma mentioned in rigveda is named after consort of brahma: o that glory- of savitri most high. Oh divine us mediate upon. it inspire understanding. goal of recitation is to attain realization. Practice lead mind into a transcendental union with deity.Pashupatinath, kathmandu, nepa

A painting of Bakula Rinpoche hangs behind his reincarnation, a six year old boy from Nurla, at Samkar Tashi Gatsal House. Ladakh, India

Buddhist monks prostrating at maha bodhi temple complex in bodhgaya. Prostration is a gesture used in buddhist practice to show reverence to the triple gem (comprising the buddha, his teachings, and the spiritual community) and other objects of veneration. Kalachakra initiation in bodhgaya, india

Nepal. Ritual, sonam/boom. Lobsangs cremation. Humla. traveler reached of journey! In freedom of infinite he is free from sorrow, fetters that bound thrown away, burning fever of life is no more,oesays dharmapada. Lobsang having spent whole life preparing moment of death, finds liberation on february 14, 1986. Extensive ritual follows cremation-traditionally a forty nine period, sonam lama rattles damaru. A small ritual drum to have origin in - shamanism. damaru, used as a tantric device to summon gods ward evil spirits, once made from human skull bone dreid human skin as a reminder of impermanence of body. Boom lama blows a kangling, a human thigh-bone horn. kangling is used in exorcism is capable of gods demons. Traditionally, best bones a kangling come from brahmans, particularly sixteen-year- brahman girls-or from tigers. On makeshift altar rest chhome, votive lamps filled with butter, cups of water, grains, tormas, holy food made of barley meal decorated with medallions of butter offered to gods. Alone, boom lama continues prayers of deceased

For centuries the amazonian forest has been a nourishing mother for the kayapo, who survive mostly on hunting, fishing and gathering. gorotire kayapo reserve, brazilian amazon

Invocation of the tengir (celestial) forces by means of drumming and dance. Like the sun, fire is a force that can attract as a magnet to the tengir forces. Tuvshintugs dorj carries the status of a ?Royal Shaman,? Meaning that he can channel three-quarters or more of the hundred tengir energies. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

A traditional tent camp springs up around a site where ordinary mongolians exploring gold. Ninjas have been mining gold past 10 years, exhausting 10-hour days norm here. Sarangol valley, northwest of capital city ulan bator, mongolia

Monk beating traditional drum called gong, int he courtyard of chiwang monastery during mani rimdu festival. chiwang monastery, solu khumbu, nepal

Torpu eppi. Every line in work-worn face tells a story. In mountains, is a sign of wisdom in of survival. Torpu eppi wears heirloom necklaces of coral, amber, turquoise, acquired on trading trips to tibet humla, north-west nepal

Invocation of the tengir (celestial) forces by means of drumming and dance. Like the sun, fire is a the shamans often wear a ?light-protecting visor? Over their eyes. The radiance of the celestial spirits can be extremely strong, and this protects the onlookers from the blast of light when the celestial spirits enter the body of the shaman. 13th century national park, tov province, mongolia. 13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time

Trulshig rinpoche, blesses. Tulshig rinpoche blesses. Tulshig rimpoche s followers believe that he, like many other lamas, reassumes a human body after death in order to return to disciples. previous incarnation of tulshig rimpoche spent several years at dzarongpu monastery (highest monastery in world located at 16,500’ within sight of northern side of mt everest) served as of ngawong tenzin teachers. He promised to return in next life, so at tulshig s death ngawong tenzin norbu sought found reincarnation. current tulshig rimpoche then came to monastery studied with ngawong tenzin norbu. relationship between teacher student, in which a teacher returns to study from former student, maintains lineage over generations. Bhutan

Mani mask dancers at mani festival marks setting in of spring season in humla. masked dances diversion a long-established part of bonpo religious ceremonies.Dance Is means by which supernatural forces be brought down to world of. Dance recalls a time when distance between spirits samll. Humla, north-west nepal

A brass plate full of offerings to God. Coconut, dried fish, black soya beans, duck eggs, oiled wicks, colour powder, bitten rice, betel nut, hand made rice paper incense, unhusked rice and flowers. Brahmayani Temple, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Monk prostrating in front of maha bodhi temple. Bodhgaya prostration is a gesture used in buddhist practice to show reverence to the triple gem (comprising the buddha, his teachings, and the spiritual community) and other objects of veneration. Kalachakra initiation in bodhgaya, india

13th century national park comprises chinggis khan's giant statue museum and live museum "town from 13 century". The ancient nomadic mini kingdom is located in the distance of 130 km east of ulaanbaatar in area of erdene zuu of tov province. It takes 2 hours driving on paved road. In the live 13th century kingdom one will see and experience the authentic lifestyle of mongols, who were lived in powerful mongol empire?s Period. This place gives you a same feeling that famous traveler marco polo and william rubruck felt once upon time. Tov province, mongolia

Dharma chakra, jhokang roof, lhasa. Buddha shakyamuni considered a cultivated awareness of death impermanence to be fundamental to a happy healthy life. Tibet

India. Pilgrimage to malayattoor, a hill which saint thomas the apostle is believed to have climbed around 55 ad, leaving his footprints at the top. It is a major pilgrim centre for christians as well as hindus and moslems, who believe the trip can cure them of physical and mental disease. Kerala. Statue of thomas in the lower church

Paternoster Vents Ventilation Structure for Underground Electricity Substation, designed by Thomas Heatherwick Studios, Paternoster Square, City of London, London, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Flooring Decoration of the Ceramic Staircase by Francis Wollaston Thomas, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England, United Kingdom, Europe