
A paraplegic woman cooking steaks and baked potatoes on an outdoor barbecue while sitting in her wheelchair: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
A paraplegic woman cooking steaks and baked potatoes on an outdoor barbecue while sitting in her wheelchair: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Image ID: 1116-51422
Artist: LJM Photo
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horizontal outdoors day daytime home urban female confidence confident women challenge caucasian color colour close up beautiful food activity warm house determination spine determined houses casual restriction sitting mature person jeans injury deck attractive grill handicap challenging yard independence bbq restricted summertime disabled wheelchair accessibility mobile cooking cook meat steak residential independent females activities backyard barbecue handicapped willpower disability barbeque preparing residence sauce injured paraplegic good looking back yard side view looking away applying middle aged one person sitting down steaks beauty white home life adults outside adult people woman blonde looking down summer blonde hair mobility color image wheelchairs close up blond hair casual clothing caucasian ethnicity overcomer overcomers three quarter length grilling impairment paralysis colour image mature woman mature women disabilities upper body strength weekend activity 40 44 years paralyzed physical disability barbecue sauce bbq sauce adaptable handicaps disadvantage natural light persons with disabilities spinal cord injury paraplegia mobility device spinal cord spinal injury nerve damage mobility impairment half length spinal injuries disadvantaged incapacity impairments person with a disability