
Sanderling in flight, Normandy France
Sanderling in flight, Normandy France
Image ID: 860-282615
Artist: François Mordel
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afrasia afro eurasia atlantic ocean atmosphere autumn behavior behaviors bird birds calidris alba coast coasts continent continental area count counting description descriptions ec ecosystem ecosystems eec enumeration enumerations eu eurafrasia eurasia europe european economic community european union fall (season) flap wings flapping wings flaps wings flight flights flutter fly (to) flying france group groups in flight iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species littoral (shore) littorals (shore) localisation localization location low risk (iucn) lr manche marine and coastal wetland area marine and coastal wetland areas marine and coastal wetland zone marine and coastal wetland zones matter (substance) matters (substance) migrant migrants migrate migration migrations migratory species month of year months of year motion motions natural area natural areas nature normandie north atlantic ocean northern atlantic november numerous ocean oceans old world sand beach sand beaches sand shore sand shores sanderling (calidris alba) sanderlings sandy beach sandy beaches sandy shore sandy shores sea sea and coastal water sea water seas seaside seasides seasons small wading shore bird small wading shore birds small wading shorebird small wading shorebirds some species species characteristic species characteristics species particularities species particularity stint stints temperate ocean temperate oceans temperate sea temperate seas temperate season temperate seasons texture textures time scale time scales ue uicn water (matter) water surface water surfaces waters (matter) watersurface watersurfaces wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae world sea and ocean world seas and oceans