
Female hippopotamus threatening a young male, Kruger RSA
Female hippopotamus threatening a young male, Kruger RSA
Image ID: 860-282864
Artist: Brigitte Marcon
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action actions adult adults afrasia africa afro eurasia aggressive aggressiveness april artiodactyla assault assaulted assaulting bath bathe bathed bathing bathings baths behavior behaviors biodiversities biodiversity biodiversity management biodiversity managements biological diversity biological diversity managements cites appendix 2 continent continental area convention on international trade in endangered species of wild description descriptions environment environment management environment protection environment protections environmental managements environments eurafrasia even toed ungulate evocation evocations evoke (to) face to face female females have a bath having a bath hippopotamus (hippopotamidae sp) hippopotamus (hippopotamus amphibius) hippopotamuses (hippopotamus amphibius) image and subject individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status kruger (national park) ksa landmass landmasses limpopo province localisation localization location male males mammal matter (substance) matters (substance) month of year months of year national park national parks nature management northern province old world one on one recording recordings republic of south africa rsa sensitive natural areas shoting shotings soaking south africa south african national parks (south africa) south african protected area (south africa) south african protected areas (south africa) southern africa spatter spatters species splash splashed splashing stage of development texture textures threat threaten threatened threatening threats three quarter length three quarter shot three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter view three quarter views time scale time scales transborder park transborder parks transfrontier park transfrontier parks transnational park transnational parks uicn ungulate vulnerable (iucn) vu vulnerable species washington agreement water (matter) water surface water surfaces waters (matter) watersurface watersurfaces wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae