
Great Tits fighting on a Sunflower, Balkans Bulgaria
Great Tits fighting on a Sunflower, Balkans Bulgaria
Image ID: 860-283562
Artist: André Simon
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2 action actions adult adults afrasia afro eurasia angiosperm angiospermae angiosperms asterales order atmosphere be in confrontation behavior behaviors being in confrontation bird birds botanical species botanicals species bulgaria capitulum competition (rivalry intra specific) competitions (rivalries intra specific) composeae / asteraceae family compositae / sunflowers confrontation confrontations continent continental area count counting description descriptions detect detecting detectings detection detections dicot dicots dicotyledon dicotyledons dispute disputed disputing duet duets enumeration enumerations eurafrasia eurasia europe face to face facing fight (to) fighter fighters fighting fights flap wings flapping wings flaps wings flora florae flowering plant flowering plants flutter food search food searches great tit (parus major) great tits (parus major) helianthus (helianthus sp) image and subject individual individuals inflorescence inflorescence type inflorescences iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status january landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species living organism living organisms localisation localization location low risk (iucn) lr magnoliophyta magnoliopsida month of year months of year morphologies morphologies (botany) morphology morphology (botany) motion motions necking old world one on one organism organisms pair pairs passeriforme and other passeriformes and others plant plants pose posed posing pursuit pursuits quest quests recording recordings seasons seed seeds seek seeked seeking seekings seeks settling settlings shoting shotings songbird and other songbirds and others species spermatophyte spermatophytes stage of development sunflower (helianthus sp) sunflowers (helianthus sp) temperate season temperate seasons three quarter length three quarter shot three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter view three quarter views time scale time scales tit tits two two animals uicn vegetale species vegetales species wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae winter