
African buffalo lying in the plain, Chobe Botswana
African buffalo lying in the plain, Chobe Botswana
Image ID: 860-283613
Artist: Philippe-Alexandre Chevallier
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2 action actions adult adults afrasia africa afro eurasia artiodactyla atmosphere bare savanna bare savannah bare savannas be lazy bedtime behavior behaviors being lazy biodiversities biodiversity biodiversity management biodiversity managements biological diversity biological diversity managements biological process biological processes bird birds blue skies blue sky botswana botswana national parks botswana protected area botswana protected areas bovidae cape buffalo (syncerus caffer) cape buffalos (syncerus caffer) cattle (bovidae) cattles (bovidae) chobe (national park) continent continental area count counting description descriptions duet duets earth's crust ecosystem ecosystems enumeration enumerations environment environment management environment protection environment protections environmental managements environments eurafrasia even toed ungulate go to bed going to bed good weather grass savanna grass savannah grass savannas grassy savanna grassy savannah grassy savannas horn horns individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status landform landforms landmass landmasses laying down least concern (iucn) lc least concern species lengthen lengthened lengthening lie down living organism living organisms localisation localization location low formation low formations low risk (iucn) lr make the siesta making the siesta mammal meteorological phenomena meteorological phenomenon month of year months of year morphologies morphologies (zoology) morphology morphology (zoology) national park national parks natural area natural areas nature nature management nice weather old world organism organisms oxpecker oxpeckers pair pairs passeriforme and other passeriformes and others plain plains pose posed posing position positions posture postures rest rested restful resting ruminant ruminants ruminating ruminating animal ruminating animals ruminating mammal ruminating mammals savanna savannas sensitive natural areas september settling settlings siesta siestas skies sky songbird and other songbirds and others southern africa species stage of development stretch out stretched out stretching out time scale time scales two two animals uicn ungulate wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae yellow billed oxpecker (buphagus africanus) yellow billed oxpeckers (buphagus africanus)