
King Eider male bathing on water, Barents sea Norway
King Eider male bathing on water, Barents sea Norway
Image ID: 860-285268
Artist: Niko Pekonen
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action actions adult adults afrasia afro eurasia alone arctic ocean atmosphere atmosphere (ambiance) atmospheres (ambiance) be lazy being lazy bird birds chill chilly cold as ice cold ocean cold oceans cold sea cold seas colds color colored colorful colorfully colors colour colourful colours continent continental area count counting description descriptions diving duck diving ducks ec ecosystem ecosystems eec eider eiders enumeration enumerations eu eurafrasia eurasia europe european economic community european union icy image and subject individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status king eider (somateria spectabilis) landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species littoral (shore) littorals (shore) localisation localization location lone lonely low risk (iucn) lr make the siesta making the siesta male males march (month) matter (substance) matters (substance) migratory species month of year months of year motion motions multicoloured multi coloured natural area natural areas nature norway ocean oceans old world one one animal only palmiped palmipeds profile shot profile shots profile sight profile sights profile view profile views recording recordings rest rested restful resting rudy scandinavia sea sea and coastal water sea water seas seasons shoting shotings side view siesta siestas single solo species species characteristic species characteristics species particularities species particularity stage of development surrounding surroundings swim swimming swimming (action) temperate season temperate seasons texture textures time scale time scales ue uicn water (matter) water surface water surfaces waters (matter) watersurface watersurfaces wild animal wild animals wild duck wild ducks wild fauna wild faunae winter world sea and ocean world seas and oceans