
Trout fishing on the Loue river, fly fishing, Franche-Comté, France
Trout fishing on the Loue river, fly fishing, Franche-Comté, France
Image ID: 860-288305
Artist: Bruno Mathieu / Biosphoto
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fishing rod deciduous temperate forest river (stream) summer franche comté man alone fish (to) overview fisherman cap three quarter shot sun glasses fly fishing september water surface fishing rods deciduous temperate forests deciduous tree temperate forest deciduous tree temperate forests rivers (stream) men single lonely only solo one lone fishing fished overviews global sight global sights full length fishermen caps beret berets baseball cap flat cap three quarter views three quarter view three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter length sun glasse fly fishings fly angling fly anglings flyfishing flyfishings water surfaces watersurface watersurfaces fishing tackle fishing (activity) fauna use natural resources use temperate forest forest area body of water freshwater wetland area temperate season seasons atmosphere bourgogne franche comté france european union europe person individual enumeration behavior shot headdress accessory pair of glasses rod fishing fishing type (fishing) water (matter) matter (substance)