
Reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) above the reef of the Langoni pass. Mayotte
Reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) above the reef of the Langoni pass. Mayotte
Image ID: 860-291623
Artist: Gabriel Barathieu
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manta alfredi mobula alfredi saltwater fish sea bottom coral reef sea lagoon adult alone swim overview underwater shot blue mayotte tropical sea manta top view vulnerable february pass mobula mozambique channel nobody reef manta ray mobula alfredi saltwater fishes sea fish sea fishes salt water fish salt water fishes benthons sea bottoms coral reefs barrier reef barrier reefs coralreef coralreefs seas oceans ocean lagoons adults single lonely only solo one lone swimming action swimming overviews global sight global sights full length subaquatic photos subaquatic sights seen under the water photos under the water underwater shots subaquatic image underwater view submarine images submarine sights submarine sight submarine photos submarine photo underwater views submarine photographies submarine photography underwater underwaterphoto underwaterpicture underwaterphotography underwaterphotographies underwaterphotos underwaterpictures tropical seas tropical oceans tropical ocean top views top sight top sights view from above top shot vulnerable species passes with nobody fishes particularity species particularity species marine area area reef landform earth's crust stage of development individual enumeration locomotion motion shot colour comoro islands africa myliobatidae myliobatiformes batoidea euselachii elasmobranchii chondrichthyes gnathostomata vertebrata chordata deuterostomia coelomata bilateria metazoa opisthokonta eukaryota threatened endangered species convention on international trade in endangered species of wild indian ocean world sea and ocean devilray mobula sp ray elasmobranchii cartilaginous fish fish animal vertebrate chordate wild animal animal