
Wildebeest running and tourists, Kalahari Botswana
Wildebeest running and tourists, Kalahari Botswana
Image ID: 860-282066
Artist: Juan-Carlos Muñoz
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4 wheel drive car adult adults afrasia africa afro eurasia alone animal sighting animal sightseeing animal tourism animal tourisms animal watching artiodactyla automobile automobile vehicle blue gnu blue gnus blue wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus) blue wildebeests (connochaetes taurinus) botswana bovidae car cars cattle (bovidae) cattles (bovidae) continent continental area count counting description descriptions desert area desert areas desertic area desertic areas desertic zone desertic zones dynamically dynamics dynamism eco tourism eco tourisms ecological tourism ecosystem ecosystems ecotourism ecotourisms energetic energetics energisant entertainment entertainments enumeration enumerations eurafrasia even toed ungulate evocation evocations evoke (to) fuzzy fuzzyness gait gaits gnu (connochaetes sp) gnus (connochaetes sp) image and subject incitating incitation individual individuals instigating iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status journey journeys kalahari (desert of) landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species leisure leisures localisation localization location lone lonely low risk (iucn) lr mammal may month of year months of year motion motions motor car motor cars natural area natural areas nature off road car off road cars old world one one animal only profile shot profile shots profile sight profile sights profile view profile views recording recordings revitalizing road transport road transports roadway transport roadway transports run running safari safaris sagebush steppe sagebush steppes semi arid desert semi arid deserts semi desert desert semi desert deserts semi desertic desert semi desertic deserts shoting shotings side view sightseeing sightseeings single soft focus solo southern africa species stage of development time scale time scales tourism tourisms transport transport mode transport modes transports transports mode transports modes uicn ungulate unsharp unsharpness wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae