
African Fish Eagle catching a fish in flight, Kenya
African Fish Eagle catching a fish in flight, Kenya
Image ID: 860-283983
Artist: Juan-Carlos Muñoz
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adult adults afrasia africa african fish eagle (haliaeetus vocifer) african fish eagles african sea eagle african sea eagles afro eurasia alone arrest arrested arresting atmosphere (ambiance) atmospheres (ambiance) backlighting backlightings backlit baringo lake behavior behaviors biodiversities biodiversity biodiversity management biodiversity managements biological diversity biological diversity managements bird birds birds of prey day break breaks catch catching caught cites appendix 2 cockcrow continent continental area convention on international trade in endangered species of wild count counting dawn day rise daybreak daybreaks description descriptions diet pattern diet patterns diurnal birds of prey dusk dynamically dynamics dynamism earth's crust east africa east african rift valley eastern africa ecosystem ecosystems energetic energetics energisant enumeration enumerations environment environment management environment protection environment protections environmental managements environments eurafrasia evocation evocations evoke (to) fish (animal) fish (to) fish eagle fish eagles fish eagle fish eagles fished fishes fishing flap wings flapping wings flaps wings flight flights flutter fly (to) flying fracture (geology) fractures (geology) freshwater freshwater lake fresh water lake freshwater lakes fresh water lakes freshwater wetland area freshwater wetland areas freshwater wetland zone freshwater wetland zones freshwaters ichtyophage ichtyophagous image and subject in flight incitating incitation individual individuals instigating interaction between species intergalactic medium intergalactic space interplanetary medium interplanetary space interstellar medium intracluster medium iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status kenya kenyan national parks (kenya) kenyan protected area (kenya) kenyan protected areas (kenya) lake baringo national reserve landform landforms landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species light effect light effects lighting effect lighting effects localisation localization location lone lonely low risk (iucn) lr matter (substance) matters (substance) mirror image morning mornings motion motions natural area natural areas natural reserve nature nature management nature reserve nature reserves old world one one animal only outer space piscivore piscivores predation predations predator predators predatory prey prey day bird prey diurnal bird preys profile shot profile shots profile sight profile sights profile view profile views ramsar convention site ramsar convention sites recording recordings reflected reflecting reflection reflections relation between species revitalizing rift valley rift valley province sea eagle sea eagles shoting shotings side view single solo space species square (size) stage of development sun sunrise sunrises surrounding surroundings texture textures twilight uicn universe washington agreement water (matter) water surface water surfaces waters (matter) watersurface watersurfaces wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae