
Sockeye Salmons, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
Sockeye Salmons, Kuril Lake Kamchatka Russia
Image ID: 860-284725
Artist: Valter Bernardeschi
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actinopterygii actinopterygii sp adult adults afrasia afro eurasia aquatic species atmosphere august behavior behaviors biodiversities biodiversity biodiversity management biodiversity managements biological diversity biological diversity managements bony fish bony fishes carmine carmines color colors colour colours continent continental area count counting description descriptions ecosystem ecosystems enumeration enumerations environment environment management environment protection environment protections environmental managements environments eurafrasia eurasia euryhalin fish euryhalin fishes euryhaline fish euryhaline fishes fish (animal) fishes fishes characteristic fishes characteristics fishes particularities fishes particularity freshwater freshwater lake fresh water lake freshwater lakes fresh water lakes freshwater species fresh water species freshwater wetland area freshwater wetland areas freshwater wetland zone freshwater wetland zones freshwaters group groups image and subject individual individuals iucn iucn red list of threatened species iucn status kamchatka oblast landmass landmasses least concern (iucn) lc least concern species localisation localization location low risk (iucn) lr magenta magentas marine species matter (substance) matters (substance) meteorological phenomena meteorological phenomenon migratory species month of year months of year multitude multitudes natural area natural areas natural reserve nature nature management nature reserve nature reserves old world osteichthyes osteichthyes sp ray finned fish ray finned fishes red reds reproduction reproduction mode reproduction modes reproductions reproductive behavior reproductive behaviors reproductive behaviour reproductive behaviours russian federation salmon salmon (oncorhynchus sp) salmonid salmonids salmons saltwater species salt water species school fish school fishes seasons sexual reproduction sexual reproductions skies sky sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) sockeye salmons (oncorhynchus nerka) spawn spawning spawning ground spawning grounds spawnings spawns species species characteristic species characteristics species particularities species particularity stage of development summer temperate season temperate seasons texture textures time scale time scales uicn unesco's world heritage list unesco's world heritage sites water (matter) water surface water surfaces waters (matter) watersurface watersurfaces wild animal wild animals wild fauna wild faunae world heritage site