
Iratiko Erreka river, at the bottom of the Foz De Lumbier canyon, nature reserve in the province of Navarra, Spain
Iratiko Erreka river, at the bottom of the Foz De Lumbier canyon, nature reserve in the province of Navarra, Spain
Image ID: 860-291046
Artist: Alain Roux
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natural reserve landscape rock stone river stream erosion image motion overview pyrenees range cliff gorge geomorphology limestone canyon blue sky may navarre chartered community of water surface nobody foz de lumbier nature reserve nature reserves nature reserve landscapes panorama panoramas rocks stone rivers stream erosions wear geology speed effects image motions movements vaguenesses speed effect moved vagueness moved vaguenesses image movement image movements overviews global sight global sights full length cliffs gorges geomorphology canyons blue skies good weather nice weather water surfaces watersurface watersurfaces with nobody lumbier canyon nature reserve environment protection environment management biodiversity management environment rock fragment mineral matter matter substance body of water freshwater wetland area area earth's crust fuzzy shot world mountain and summit landform sky meteorological phenomenon meteorology science spain european union europe water matter individual