
Meerkat (Suricata suricatta) standing in alert at dawn in Kgalagadi transfrontier park, South Africa
Meerkat (Suricata suricatta) standing in alert at dawn in Kgalagadi transfrontier park, South Africa
Image ID: 860-291119
Artist: Patrice Correia
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suricata suricatta natural reserve natural area desert sunrise adult alone stand up overview backlighting south africa botswana south african protected areas south africa kalahari gemsbok national park etosha national park look suricata three quarter shot biosphere reserve morning meerkat suricata suricatta alarm national park transborder park least concern iucn may kalahari desert of nobody nature reserves nature reserve nature natural areas ecosystem ecosystems desertic areas desert areas desert area desertic zone desertic zones desertic area sunrises adults single lonely only solo one lone standing up raising itself raise itself raise up raised itself raised on its rear paws overviews global sight global sights full length backlightings backlit rsa ksa republic of south africa south african protected area south africa south african national parks south africa gemsbok national park looked looking three quarter views three quarter view three quarter shots three quarter sight three quarter sights three quarter length biosphere reserves dawn daybreak daybreaks mornings day rise cockcrow meerkats suricata suricatta give the alarm giving the alarm alert alerts alarming alarmed alarms national parks sensitive natural areas transnational park transnational parks transborder parks transfrontier park transfrontier parks least concern species with nobody environment protection environment management biodiversity management environment naturalness area sun space stage of development individual enumeration posture behavior shot light effect southern africa africa kgalagadi transfrontier park za northern cape province namibia herpestidae carnivora mammalia therapsida synapsida vertebrata chordata deuterostomia coelomata bilateria metazoa opisthokonta eukaryota twilight ambiance small carnivore carnivoran mammal wild animal animal low risk iucn iucn red list of threatened species species